Lady Jane Grey

The following text is  © by Lara Eakins and is reproduced here by gracious permission for our Guild's historical and educational purposes. The scanned images and documentation are also the work of Lara.


A portrait of Jane, by an unknown artist
In the collection of Lord Hastings

It could be debated whether or not Jane should be included as a "Tudor Monarch" but her story is such a fascinating one that it bears telling.

The true tragedy of Jane Grey is that her death was through no fault of her own, but of the unfortunate fact of her heritage and of her religion. She most likely never really wanted to be Queen, but it was not something that was under her control. Her ambitious parents, along with those of her husband, Guilford Dudley, sought to keep a Protestant monarch on the throne if Edward were to die and to have that monarch under their thumbs. The best way to do that was to make their own children King and Queen.

Signature of Lady Jane Grey

Four days after Edward's death on July 6, 1553, Jane was proclaimed Queen of England. However, Mary, who was the rightful heir to the throne, according to Henry VIII's will, was gathering support in Suffolk. She and her followers rode into London nine days later and imprisoned Jane and her supporters. Mary was the next Queen of England.


Note: Lara E. Eakins is an Honourary Member
of the Isle of Standauffish


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