Cardinal Thomas Wolsey

The following text is  © by Lara Eakins and is reproduced here by gracious permission for our Guild's historical and educational purposes. The scanned images and documentation are also the work of Lara.

BORN: 1475

      Cardinal Wolsey by an unknown artist
Oil on panel, 83.8 x 55.9cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

Son of an Ipswich butcher who entered the church and became a cardinal in 1515. He
was Henry VIII's Lord Chancellor from 1515-1529. Lost favor with Henry when he failed to get the annulment of the King's marriage to Catherine of Aragon. Died on his way to imprisonment in the Tower of London.

Cardinal Wolsey
Christ Church Picture Gallery


Note: Lara E. Eakins is an Honourary Member
of the Isle of Standauffish

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