Vicki Visconti~Tilley
Since early childhood, I knew my destiny was to be an artist. Born and raised in New Mexico, “The Land of Enchantment” and being influenced by my European ancestry, I have always felt a connection to Old World images of chivalry and forgotten civilizations. My artwork reflects the romance and adventure of ancient cultures through mythology and legends. I feel a kinship when painting dragons, the forgotten world of faeries, and strong women figures of long ago.

I work in pen & ink, watercolors, and acrylics. My deepest passion is oil painting in rich jewel tones and earth colors with intricate details. My artwork has Celtic and Pre-Raphaelite influences, with some works containing hidden images. Whenever objects such as woven hair, celtic knots, tree trunks, branches or vines overlap, they represent “how all things are connected in some way”. My greatest love of creating arrives, when the artwork is nearing completion. Hours are spent and enjoyed on the final lines, marks, or brush strokes. 

My most recent work is a series of sensual faeries. Whenever I sketch or paint, my imagination leads me to forgotten realms. My hope is that my “Enchanted Old Worlds” take the viewer, to another time, and another place, somewhere that could have or has been. A world when Man, Woman, Beast, and Earth where more intertwined. If one looks closely, a glance at our ancient collective past might be seen… 


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Vicki Visconti-Tilley Art

Fantasy Artist "Enchanted Old Worlds"

702 436-9272 phone
702 914-8278 fax