The Enigmas on Mars 11
Mars Global Surveyor
"The Martian Tubes"
The image above is an artist's concept of the tubes of what many believe lies on Mars. There are many clear sharp images available from Malin Space Systems that would back up this idea. Whether they are some strange martian natural formation, or creations by some Alien race is yet to be determined and is the subject of much debate and controversy. Whatever the Martian Tubes are, they are still one of the best enigmas from an alien world, and at the very least are interesting to study.

Below  are clippings and image source links exploring some of the better pictures of the tubes.

Credit: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems
This is the original famous "glass tube" with the sun glaring off a shiny surface. The above clip is from image number is M04_00291.gif - Zorgon
Credit: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems

Credit: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems
These two images are two sections of image M11-04220.gif
Credit: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems
Credit: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems
Credit: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems
These three image are part of image M03_00102.gif.They show a tube that runs down the length of the full image, submerging and reapearing several times and near the bottom  we find a juction - Zorgon
Examples of Similar Looking Objects on Earth


Click on image for color version
The Crinoids

The photos in the above two photos show color images of Crinoid Fossils on Earth. The Martian "tubes" bear a striking resemblance to crinoid stem, but as the scale of the malin images is in kilometers, that would make those crinoids miles in length, and that doesn't seem likely, no matter how much water there was on Mars at one point. - Zorgon
The Sand Dunes
The photo above shows sand dunes in a narrow, steep sided gully on Earth. This image was taken by Google Earth. They bear a striking resemblance tosome of  the "tubes"on Mars. Below is the same image in color . - Zorgon
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