The Enigmas on the Moon
Anomalies on Lunar Pictures from Lick Observatory
Page One
LICKOBS9 January 1946
For the full resolution {6 meg} picture visit
the ATS
Thread about these images.
"Hovering Alien Space Ship"
There really is no other way to describe this anomaly.
Posted by Zarniwoop ATS Member
From LO-01, located at about 3:30 on the lunar clock near the right
{Ed. Near Humbold Crater} |
Comments: |
Anomalies near Endymion Crater
Comments: |
"Hole in One"
by Search Engine
Golf ball crater anyone? Just like the one on mars. Hmm..:puz: Is
this what you were talking about?
Ed. NW of Bridge same distance again. Note
the little spheres in the left side of the crater |
Assorted Anomalies on LO-01
"Bridge Two"
Another bridge or span of some kind?
{Ed. W Edge of Euduxus Crater}
"Unknown 03"
Odd shape found by
Engine a member of ATS
L1 rotated left 70 degrees
{Ed. SE Corner of Mare Crisium in original
orientation} |
Just For Fun
"Pink Elephants" by John Lear
The "elephants were used as a hint to guide
people to the image we were interested in. The anomaly in question is the
pair of arches that make up "trunks" of the "elephants" This is on the
penninsula at the bottom right of Mare Crisium. More information will be
added as we get the data - Zorgon
"The Arches of Crisium"
Anomalies on Mare Fecunditatis
"The Scar"
Very strange, perhaps a meteor scar?
Left - LO-01
Right - LO-02 |
"I am not an expert on moon geography but I believe that to be Mare
Fecunditis (or Stinking Plains as the locals call it). The area of the
enlargement is Messier which has always intrigued scientists. Speculation
is that it was caused by an oblique meteor impact. What is interesting
and is not shown clearly in the photo is the 2 straight narrow rays, resembling
the tail of a comet, trail across the surface to a distance of about 120
km." - John
Lear, A member of ATS |
Areas of Interest
This anomaly is right in the center of
the Moon in both images. In the one on the left the anomaly is a greyish
mass that does not match either the texture or the shading ofthe surrounding
area. It has the appearance of either touch up, or some tiype of
glasy dome. In the image on the right it appears as a bright white area.
Research is being done to see if this anomaly shows up on any other images
for comparison. - Zorgon |
Anomalies near Archimedes Crater
The Case of the Disappearing Crater
Anomalies on LO-01
"Mt Piton"
by Search Engine
Another strange "something" on LO-01. Located at 1400,760. Looking
for opinions, but my own is that something pretty tall is making that shadow:
{Ed. W of Cassini Crater}
"Bee Hive"
Little spheres connected by lines very similar to the enigmas seen
in Copernicus Crater. Lines in front look like roads. This area is a different
texture from the rest of the image.
{Ed. SE of Archimedes} |
"Unknown 01"
Just an odd formation?
{Ed. NW of Mt Piton, SE of Plato Crater} |
"Unknown 02"
Rectangle top center...
Tracks around edge... |
Archimedes Crater and Area
Lick Observatory 1946
The Area I named the "Beehive" is clearly visible and surrounded
by lines that look like tracks or roadways... |
Archimedes Crater and Area
Circa 1968
In more modern images the area is smoother and devoid of markings. |
NASA # AS15_1541M
This image shows a partial crater where the "Beehive" was. Date July
1971, Apollo 15. Click Image for original NASA Photo. It is of interest
to note that several UFO boards use this picture as evidence of objects
on the moon as well, namely the "rectangular" oddity in the crater in the
upper right.
Positive and Negatives of Cropped Area
This one circa 2004 shows the area completely smooth with no features
at all. So this is either great evidence of a major cover-up and editing
program, or craters are vanishing on the moon. And if cover-up, then it
involves the whole world as the above image is from a Nordic Observatory
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