The NASA Lunar Photos
The Lunar Orbiters
Where Did all the Big Photos Go?

Image Courtesy NASA History
The image above shows NASA scientists studying the high resolution large images on the floor laid out in a mosaic. It is interesting to note that even in this photo we have an anomaly. The area next to Mare Crissium, an area that has been a source of enigmas for decades is conspicuously white. The set above is from Lunar Orbiter IV



"The prime objective of Lunar Orbiter IV," wrote JAMES S. MARTIN, Deputy Lunar Orbiter Project Manager, Langley Research Center, NASA, "was to photograph the entire front side of the Moon at a resolution considerably better than is possible from Earth. The mosaic on the opposite page is the result. The pictures, taken May 11-25, 1967, span an area from the North Pole (at top) to the South Pole, and from the eastern limb (at right) to the western limb.

"The complete mosaic is approximately 40 by 45 feet. It was laid on the floor, and observers were allowed to stand on it or crawl over it in their stocking feet. Some astronomers chose the latter course, carrying magnifying glasses. The mosaic was a primary source in selecting scientific sites for Lunar Orbiter V to photograph at higher resolutions." - SOURCE: NASA History

Lunar Orbiter Missions
ITT Space Systems Division 
Image Courtesy ITT
The company that made the Lunar orbiter Cameras makes an interesting statement:

Excerpt One:

Image Capture—How The System Worked

"Once on orbit above the Moon's sunlit side, each Orbiter took pictures via the photographic system's 610 mm high-resolution lens, and via an 80 mm wide-angle medium-resolution lens. Both lenses placed their frame exposures on a single roll of 70 mm film. During exposure, the system moved the film to prevent image blur as the lunar surface sped by below.

On a typical Lunar Orbiter mission, the photographic system provided high-resolution pictures of 4,000 square miles of the Moon's surface with enough clarity to show objects the size of a card table. At the same time, medium-resolution photographs covering 20,000 square miles could be made with overlap for stereo viewing and analysis of surface topography.

Photos were processed automatically by the Orbiter's photographic system as the spacecraft orbited the Moon's dark side. This operation was performed by a KODAK BITMAT diffusion transfer process using 'dry' chemistry. A high-intensity light beam then optically scanned the photographic prints, and the images were transmitted to receiving stations on Earth.

The 1600 pictures captured in total by the five Lunar Orbiters using the ITT photographic system enabled photogrammetrists at NASA and the U.S. Government's Defense Mapping Agency to create accurate maps of the Moon's surface. From these photos, maps, and other lunar data, NASA identified the Sea of Tranquillity as the final landing site for the Apollo 11 mission in 1969."  - SOURCE: ITT

Excerpt Two:

About the Lunar Orbiter missions 

"Launched in 1966 and 1967, all five missions Lunar Orbiter were successful. The missions collectively photographed 99% of the Moon's surface with a resolution of 60 m ground resolution or better. The first three missions, dedicated to imaging 20 potential Apollo landing sites, were flown at near equatorial orbits as close as 22 miles above the lunar surface. The fourth and fifth missions were devoted to broader scientific objectives, and were flown in high altitude polar orbits." - SOURCE: ITT

So where are those 1600 pictures captured that photographed 99% of the Moon's surface from orbits as close as 22 miles above the lunar surface?  We have been looking to NASA to find the high resolution images. Perhaps we should be asking the U.S. Government's Defense Mapping Agency
The NASA Moon Photos Part 1

My Story of dealing with NASA in the 1970's
by Vito Saccheri


"To this day, I can remember these views: A boulder that seemed to have been rolled uphill, leaving its tracks in the side of the hill; obvious machinery on the surface, showing bolted sections; three dilapidated "bridges" crossing a chasm that reminded me of the Grand Canyon; pipe fittings that looked like four-way Ts (or Xs) that could be seen in every photo, some with their ends turned up or down as they hung over the edge of a crater; three surprising pyramids that prompted me later to closely study the Egyptian Giza pyramid complex; apparent pipelines criss-crossing the surface, running to and from craters; a UFO rising from the surface and photographed directly above a crater; and perhaps the most memorable, the unmistakable figure of a rectangular structure placed squarely in the biggest crater pictured- the structure looked either very old or under construction, but the crater had to be miles wide, and the camera angle gave a perfect three-dimensional view.

The clarity and resolution were unlike that of anything I had seen before or since, and I shudder to think that this was only the beginnings of the spy-in-the-sky technology that has evolved since then."

To read this very interesting article see here: 

My Story of dealing with NASA in the 1970's - by Vito Saccheri

More on this topic: 

Witness Says NASA Photos Show Structures on Moon - CNI News

Investigators, Though Cautious, Say Photos Show Anomalies - by Lan Fleming

NASA Employed Photo Artists To Airbrush Out Apollo Anomalies!

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