Pegasus Research Consortium
Vadu Rau Stones

Originally posted by lisa2012 ATS Post ID 10674495

The tablets from Vadu Rau  Romania (120 pieces)
Predating Sumerian Cuneiform tablets.  Now this is something worth investigating.

These incredible adventure with the inscribed "stones"  in the '80s began  when Professor Dumitru Ionita, during a recognition of land held in the city section called Vadu ,Farcasa Rau, has discovered a number of Neolithic objects, such as :  weights for fishing nets or loom, polished stone axes,the tablets with inscription etc..

Among these objects, few have attracted particular attention. It's clay tablets, some rectangular, oval or round,  signs incised: diamond fringe, intersecting lines, which constitute a support for other smaller lines arranged in a row, etc. various hollow points. 

Over the years, erosion has continued on the right bank of Bistrita River, the opportunity that came brought to light dozens of such tablets, their number reaching 120, all carriers of different inscriptions.

The  weight of the tablets is between 100 and 500 g.

Some of this tablets are almost identical with the ones from Tartaria discussed earlier in this topic.

Prof. Dr. Vasile Boronean? well known archaeologist, who, for many years, looked at the archaeological site and the Cladova Chitila where breakthroughs were made. In regards to this particular tablets he stated that similar inscriptions have been discovered Chitila and elsewhere and that They are similar to those of Mesopotamia.

British archaeologist Colin Renfrew, who performed all the digging in Bulgaria, Sitagroi, supports this hypothesis. Then, the famous Italian archaeologist Professor Marco Merlin, director of the Prehistory Knowledge Project, a member of the World Rock Art Academy Italy, who was keen to rhe "miracle"from Tartaria ,searched and found bones found by Vlassa together with the three tablets .

After they have been analyzed and dated to the Department of Geology, University of Rome, Professor Merlin concluded: dating is very old, around 7,300 years! And the bones belonged to a woman aged 50-55 years, which he assigns a religious role, because the bones were found among the 23 sacred objects, including a tissue anchor, some bracelets and some statues of idols. 

Located in 2004 in our country, the famous Italian archaeologist would declare a colleague: "The bones are very old as tablets. Now it is a certainty. Now is our turn to find that writing began in Europe two thousand years before Summer. In Romania, we have a huge treasure, but it does not belong only to Romania, but all of Europe. "

I will try to find more photos of these tablets but I think this is pretty much Mind Blowing !!!!!!!

Source: Surorile tablitelor de la Tartaria, descoperite la Vadu Rau

Originally posted by lisa2012 ATS Post ID 10674541

Uruk Tablet Summer from 3000BC 


Tartaria Tablets Romania 5500BC:

Source: Wikimedia Tartaria Tablets

Vadu Rau Romania Tablets 7000BC:

Source: Surorile tablitelor de la Tartaria

Now can anyone see any resemblance? Waiting for responses on this one.


Turdash-Vinca Symbols
A drawing of a clay vessel unearthed in Vinča, found at depth of 8.5 meters.

Turdash-Vinca Symbols

The so-called Old European script, also known as Vinča script for its association with the Vinča culture (also Vinča signs, Vinča symbols, Vinča-Turdaş script, etc.) is a set of symbols found on Neolithic era (6th to 5th millennia BCE) artifacts from southeastern Europe.

The symbols are mostly considered as constituting an instance of "proto-writing"; that is, they probably conveyed a message but did not encode language, predating the development of writing proper by more than a millennium.

In 1875, archaeological excavations led by the Hungarian archeologist Zsófia Torma (1840–1899) at Tordos, Hungary (today Turdaş, Romania) unearthed a cache of objects inscribed with previously unknown symbols. In 1908, a similar cache was found during excavations conducted by Miloje Vasic (1869-1956) in Vinča, a suburb of Belgrade (Serbia), some 120 km from Tordos. Later, more such fragments were found in Banjica, another part of Belgrade. Since, over one hundred and fifty Vinča sites have been identified in Serbia alone, but many, including Vinča itself, have not been fully excavated.[1] Thus, the culture of the whole area is called the Vinča culture, and the script is often called the Vinča-Tordos script.

Fragment of a clay vessel with an "M"-looking incision.

The discovery of the Tartaria tablets in Romania by Nicolae Vlassa in 1961 reignited the debate. Vlassa believed the inscriptions to be pictograms and the finds were subsequently carbon-dated to before 4000 BCE, thirteen hundred years earlier than the date he expected, and earlier even than the writing systems of the Sumerians and Minoans. To date, more than a thousand fragments with similar inscriptions have been found on various archaeological sites throughout south-eastern Europe, notably in Greece (Dispilio Tablet), Bulgaria, former Yugoslavia, Romania, eastern Hungary, Moldova, and southern Ukraine.

Most of the inscriptions are on pottery, with the remainder appearing on whorls (flat cylindrical annuli), figurines, and a small collection of other objects. Over 85% of the inscriptions consist of a single symbol. The symbols themselves consist of a variety of abstract and representative pictograms, including zoomorphic (animal-like) representations, combs or brush patterns and abstract symbols such as swastikas, crosses and chevrons. Other objects include groups of symbols, of which some are arranged in no particularly obvious pattern, with the result that neither the order nor the direction of the signs in these groups is readily determinable. The usage of symbols varies significantly between objects: symbols that appear by themselves tend almost exclusively to appear on pots, while symbols that are grouped with other symbols tend to appear on whorls.

Amphora, Eneolithic Cucuteni, 7,000-3,500 BCE
Romanian National History Museum 

The importance of these findings lies in the fact that the bulk of the Vinča symbols was created in the period between 4500 and 4000 BC, with the ones on the Tărtăria clay tablets even dating back to around 5300 BC.[2] This means that the Vinča finds predate the proto-Sumerian pictographic script from Uruk (modern Iraq), which is usually considered as the oldest known script, by more than a thousand years. Analyses of the symbols showed that they have little similarity with Near Eastern writing, leading to the view that these symbols and the Sumerian script probably arose independently. There are, however, some similarities between the Vinča signs and other Neolithic symbologies found elsewhere, as far afield as Egypt, Crete and even China, but scholars have suggested that such signs were produced by a convergent development of proto-writing which evolved independently in a number of societies.

Although a large number of symbols are known, most artifacts contain so few symbols that they are very unlikely to represent a complete text. Possibly the only exception is a stone found near Sitovo in Bulgaria, the dating of which is disputed; regardless, the stone has only around 50 symbols. It is unknown which language used the symbols, or indeed whether they stand for a language in the first place.

SOURCE: Wikipedia Old European Script

The Karanovo and Gradeshnitsa Tablets (Bulgaria)

The Vinca Signs

Proto-writing known as the Vinca signs.  The tablets are dated to the 5th millennium BC and are currently preserved in the Vratsa Archeological Museum of Bulgaria.

Vinca script
The Gradeshnitsa Tablets

The tablets date back to the 4th millennium B.C. They were found some 400 kilometres west of Lake Town. There are several dozens of them. Something is presumably written on their upper side. On their backside there seems to be a symbol resembling a sun wheel. Who and when will be able to decipher these tablets?


The Karanovo Tablet


The Sacred Tablet from the village of Karanovo (Nova Zagora District, Bulgaria)
(Circa 4000 B. C. E. - the Eneolithic / Chalcolithic Era)

The tablet contains two rows of pictographic signs, separated by a horizontal line, each one of which, is quite clearly visible upon the tablet’s photograph (exhibit A). The same are presented in computer enhanced versions and in schematic drawings (each), respectively in exhibits B and exhibits C. (N.B. If there have been any other additional signs on the artifact, that are presently not visible or discernable, these have not been taken into consideration for the purposes of our present reading of the text).

Please, note that the signs engraved under the horizontal line are inverted (i.e. head-down) and the tablet needs to be turned 180° around (to full diametrical opposition), so that the reading of the second row of text, (under the horizontal line), can be accomplished. After the above “rotation”, the second row of the engraved pictograms is presented below in its “corrected” upright position, for easier character recognition.


Now, all of the above identified pictographic signs (in both row I and row II) look exactly like the Hieroglyphic Inscriptions presented in the exhibits D, when they are transcribed, using the stylized later version of the pictographic script, known to us from the pyramid texts of Ancient Egypt, rendered here in its computerized calligraphic print.


Upon comparison, it becomes evident that each of the rows of text, displayed on exhibits B, exhibits C and exhibits D, is absolutely one and the same identical text, and that the two calligraphic styles (respectively - the early-Thracian, and the late-Egyptian), represent one and the same identical pictographic script, which has come to us down the ages, in its condition and appearance as seen on Exhibits A.

The evident conclusions, just like in the previous case, are as follows:

  1. The Script used in the engravings upon the Tablet of Karanovo, found in the land of Ancient Thrace (present-day Bulgaria) and the Scripts used in similar tablets and in the pyramid texts, found in Ancient Egypt, represent one and the same IDENTICAL Hieroglyphic Script!
  2. The Tablet from Karanovo, found in the land of Ancient Thrace, predates similar artifacts found in Egypt by at least one millennium. Apparently this particular type of Hieroglyphic Script had originated and was used first in Ancient Thrace, and was later transferred and introduced in Ancient Egypt.
  3. The Early-Thracian version of this Hieroglyphic Script was evidently used quite sparingly – predominantly as the Sacred Language of the Initiated Elite. It doesn’t appear from the findings so far, that it ever reached the levels of wide spread utilization, which it found thousands of years later in its Late-Egyptian version.
The hieroglyphic text upon the Tablet from Karanovo (as transcribed in Exhibits D) can be read either in the right-to-left, or in the left-to-right direction because of the symmetrical position of the pictograms around a central axis. Its translation (following the well-established rules for translating Egyptian hieroglyphic writing) has the following or similar meaning, verse by verse:

The one who has been initiated, has exchanged his Crown of the Lower Realm, for the High Crown of the Upper Realm, and has passed from Falsehood into the Truth, ruling with the high Priestly Scepter (of Truth and Justice) now firmly in his hand. {In keeping with Rosicrucian traditions}

(N.B. Please, note that because of the tablet’s “rotation” (180°) so that the second row of the text could be in its “corrected” upright position, (for easier character recognition), the deliberate original positioning of the pictogram of Falsehood (Injustice) right under the earthly (lower) realm, and of Truth (Justice) right under the fiery (upper) realm (so intended by the ancient engraver of the tablet), has now, in our schematic presentation and reading, been technically altered!)

If we are to put the above text into the everyday lingo of our modern time, it would sound something like this:

  1. Whosoever has been initiated in the Mystery of Death and Resurrection, he has been born anew and his new nature is Divine.{In keeping with Rosicrucian traditions. This is the true purpose of the Sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid. One enters as a man and is 'reborn' as a God. Jesus and Moses both spent many years in Egypt}
  2. He has left all Falsehood and has come to know The Truth. He now reigns in Justice and Truth, with the Scepter and Crown of the Upper Realm, being the Ruler of both (the Upper and Lower) worlds.
The text of the Tablet from Karanovo inevitably brings to memory the documented text from a couple of other Tablets, written in linear Greek over three thousand years later. They are known as the Orphic ivory Tablets from Olbia (Tablet # 1 and # 2, out of five), discovered in 1951 and carbon-dated around 500 B. C. E.. A detailed description of the Olbia Tablets is found in the book – The Thracian Dionysos, Invocation and Faith (p. 200, New Bulgarian University, Sofia 2002) by prof. Alexander Fol, who wrote the following: “The first one of the five tablets is engraved with the text formula “Life-Death-Life-Truth” and is visible under that formula. Interpreted from its ethnic orphic language, it brings forth the revelation that Life is Death and Death is Life in the Beyond, where True Knowledge (Truth) is to be found, i.e. Death reveals and opens the way to True Knowledge… All hesitation is gone upon examination of the second Tablet. One of its sides reads: “Peace-War-Truth-Falsehood” and below that row – … The revelation is now complete, stating that True Knowledge, found beyond death, is also Peace, in opposition to War and Falsehood, which are contrary to the (Orphic) Teaching…”

More detailed information about The Sacred Tablet from the village of Karanovo and its reading is, of course, found in the First Book of this series – The Thracian Script Decoded - I, where a more thorough analysis of the text of the Sacred Tablet and its meaning was introduced.

The tablets from Gradeshnitsa and Karanovo, however, are definitely not the only existing artifacts of that nature found on the territory of Ancient Thrace! There are a number of other similar tablets (plates) well known to archaeologists, which date from relatively the same historical period (of 5000 to 4000 BCE) and were found within the borders of the same extended geographical region. Without going into all the technical archaeological details of such finds in this predominantly linguistic research work, it will suffice for us to state, that our analysis conclusively demonstrates, that the tablets found to the north of Gradeshnitsa (Bulgaria) -in the region of Tartaria (modern day Romania), display pictograms of the same Thracian pictographic script, identical to the one already decoded by using the Guide Method, upon the Tablets from Gradeshnitsa and Karanovo (Bulgaria).

See also The Amulet from Tartaria and Other Thracian artifacts containing the Thracian Script

* At the time of the First Edition of this book, the original Tablet of Karanovo was in the keeping of the National Museum of Archeology, in the city of Sofia, Bulgaria. 


The DispilioTablet Ainu script: アイヌ イタク, aynu itak

The Dispilio Tablet (also known as the Dispilio Scripture or the Dispilio Disk) is a wooden tablet bearing inscribed markings (charagmata), unearthed during George Hourmouziadis's excavations of Dispilio in Greece and Carbon 14-dated to about 7300 years b.p. (5260 BC). It was discovered in 1993 in a Neolithic lakeshore settlement that occupied an artificial island near the modern village of Dispilio on Lake Kastoria in Kastoria Prefecture, Greece.

Dispilio Tablet

The importance of these findings lies in the fact that the oldest of them are dated around 4000 BC, around a thousand years before the proto-Sumerian pictographic script from Uruk (modern Iraq), which is usually considered as the oldest known script. Analyses of the symbols showed that they had little similarity with Near Eastern writing, leading to the view that they probably arose independently of the Sumerian civilization. There are some similarities between the symbols and other Neolithic symbologies found elsewhere, as far afield as Egypt, Crete and even China. However, Chinese scholars have suggested that such signs were produced by a convergent development of what might be called a precursor to writing which evolved independently in a number of societies.

Dispilio Tablet Text

Source: Dispilio_Tablet
Source: Romanian History and Culture

Linear A script found in Bulgaria?
Source: Mathilda’s Anthropology Blog

Linear A scrit found in Bulgaria?
German Scientists: Europe’s Oldest Script Found in Bulgaria
June 13, 2008 by mathilda37

18 May 2005,

Ancient tablets found in South Bulgaria are written in the oldest European script found ever, German scientists say.

The tablets, unearthed near the Southern town of Kardzhali, are nearly 7,000 years old, and bear the ancient script of the Cretan (Minoan) civilization, according to scientists from the University of Heidelberg, who examined the foundings. This is the Cretan writing, also known as Linear A script, which dates back to XV-XIV century B.C.

The discovery proves the theory of the Bulgarian archaeologists that the script on the foundings is one of the oldest known to humankind, the archaeologist Nikolay Ovcharov announced Wednesday.

Ovcharov, who is heading the archaeological expedition in the ancient Perperikon complex near Kardzhali, called the discovery “revolutionary”. It throws a completely different light on Bulgaria’s history, he said in an interview for the National Television.

SOURCE: Linear A script found in Bulgaria?

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