Beaming Power to and from Space Codename: SELENE |
Laser Power Beaming Experiments
A large-scale demonstration of power beaming is a necessary step to the development of solar power satellites. Laser power beaming was envisioned by some at NASA as a stepping-stone to further industrialization of space. In the 1980s researchers at NASA worked on the potential use of lasers for space-to-space power beaming, focussing primarily on the development of a solar-powered laser. In 1989 it was suggested that power could also be usefully beamed by laser from Earth to space. In 1991 the SELENE project (SpacE Laser ENErgy) was begun, which included the study of laser power beaming for supplying power to a lunar base. In 1988 the use of an Earth-based laser to power an electric thruster for space propulsion was proposed by Grant Logan, with technical details worked out in 1989. His proposal was a bit optimistic about technology (he proposed using diamond solar cells operating at six-hundred degrees to convert ultraviolet laser light, a technology that has yet to be demonstrated even in the laboratory, at a wavelength that will not easily transmit through the Earth's atmosphere). His ideas, with the technology scaled down to be possible with more practical, nearer-term technology, were adapted. The SELENE program was a serious research effort for about two years, but the cost of taking the concept to operational status was quite high and the official project was ended in 1993, before reaching the goal of demonstrating the technology in space. However, some research is still continuing. There was some hope that an array for a laser-powered aircraft demonstration might be developed.[39] SOURCE: Wikipedia - Space Solar Power Cancelled? |
NAOMI/SELENE site design Hislop, Arthur Q.; Malik, John
L.; Richter, David J.; Bennett, Harold E.
Abstract: The Birchum Mesa SELENE (Space Laser Energy) facility will be dual use facility as it provides for progressive development of high power Free Electron Lasers (FEL) and commercial laser beam power transfer to space-borne vehicles. The facility will be comprised of SELENE mainsite containing two laser system bays and supporting facilities with transport tunnels coupling to the Beam Transfer Optical System (BTOS) which is the active optical array space beam director with its supporting facility. The first generation commercial grade laser will operate at 100 kW of quasi-CW laser power with a planned growth to 10 MW of output power. The BTOS beam director will direct a focus compensated laser power beam to provide power service to space vehicles within a +/- 50 degree (half angle from zenith) tracking cone service field. An underground hardened site is proposed for this facility to mitigate any potentially hazardous effects from operation of a very high energy CW electron beam laser, to protect the facility from inadvertent weapons splashdown during range Test and Evaluation operations, and to create minimum environmental impact upon historical and ecological elements of the range. |
Advantages of China Lake for Laser Power Beaming Bennett, Harold E. Proc. SPIE Vol. 2376, p. 280-296 Laser Power Beaming II, Harold E. Bennett; Richard D. Doolittle; Eds. Abstract: The site for the proposed National Advanced Optic Mission Initiative (NAOMI) facility will be in the mountains near China Lake, California. This location has 260 clear days per year (more than any other feasible site in the U.S.). In 1993 there were 5 completely overcast days all year. The area near the proposed site is unpopulated. The solar insolation in this general area is the greatest of any area in the United States. The NAOMI system will be installed at an altitude of 5600 feet. Astronomical seeing there is excellent. Even at a less favored site than that planned for NAOMI the average Fried seeing coefficient ro is 12 cm in the visible region and 20 cm values of ro (comparable to the best observatories) are commonly observed. The area is centrally located in and entirely surrounded by one of the largest restricted airspace/military operating airspace complexes in the United States, 12% of the entire airspace in California. Electrical power is available from either the nearly Coso Geothermal plant, second largest in the United States, or from the even closer cogeneration plant at Trona, California. Cooling water can be obtained from the nearby area or from the lake itself. Although a dry playa, the lake has a high brackish groundwater level. Most of the commercial satellites over the U.S. could be reached by a laser/telescope system located on government land at the Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) military reservation at China Lake. This telescope/laser system will be a prototype for five other systems planned for around the world. The complex will provide laser power beaming to all satellites and put the United States into the position of world leader in satellite technology and power beaming to space. |
Advantages of China Lake for
Laser Power Beaming
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2376, 280 (1995); DOI:10.1117/12.208214 Online Publication Date: 4 August 2005 Conference Date: Wednesday 08 February 1995
ABSTRACT Harold E. Bennett
The site for the proposed National Advanced Optic Mission Initiative (NAOMI) facility will be in the mountains near China Lake, California. This location has 260 clear days per year (more than any other feasible site in the U.S.). In 1993 there were 5 completely overcast days all year. The area near the proposed site is unpopulated. The solar insolation in this general area is the greatest of any area in the United States. The NAOMI system will be installed at an altitude of 5600 feet. Astronomical seeing there is excellent. Even at a less favored site than that planned for NAOMI the average Fried seeing coefficient ro is 12 cm in the visible region and 20 cm values of ro (comparable to the best observatories) are commonly observed. The area is centrally located in and entirely surrounded by one of the largest restricted airspace/military operating airspace complexes in the United States, 12% of the entire airspace in California. Electrical power is available from either the nearly Coso Geothermal plant, second largest in the United States, or from the even closer cogeneration plant at Trona, California. Cooling water can be obtained from the nearby area or from the lake itself. Although a dry playa, the lake has a high brackish groundwater level. Most of the commercial satellites over the U.S. could be reached by a laser/telescope system located on government land at the Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) military reservation at China Lake. This telescope/laser system will be a prototype for five other systems planned for around the world. The complex will provide laser power beaming to all satellites and put the United States into the position of world leader in satellite technology and power beaming to space. ©2005 COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only. DOI Link: |
Holographic Technology HOLOS has had discussions with a venture capital investor interested in improving the performance of solar cells. The Naval Air Warfare Center at China Lake, California, is interested in using the hologram in SELENE, a program to beam power to a satellite solar power system using a free-electron laser. SOURCE: [Archived] |
Beam Transmission Optical System (BTOS) SELENE Introduction The development of the Beam Transmission Optical System (BTOS) is a portion of a larger project entitled SpacE Laser Electric ENErgy (SELENE). The SELENE project utilizes a high energy, free electron laser to transfer energy from the ground to orbiting spacecraft or other space targets such as a lunar base [1] BTOS is the systcm that delivers the beam energy from the laser to the target. The primary mission objective of SELENE is to provide energy for operation of geosynchronous satellites including steady-state power for operations, periodic low power for station keeping, periodic high power during eclipses, and high power for transfer orbit apogee burn. [2] SELENE will also provide energy for operation at middle and high earth orbits (MEO) of 3000+ kilometers. Another possible usage for SELENE will be to provide energy to a laser-augmented solar-electric orbit transfer vehicle wherein a low earth orbit (LEO) vehicle transfers to geosynchronous orbit (GEO) through a spiral trajectory path. Finally, SELFNE will provide continuous steady-state energy for operation of a lunar base. [3] Structural
Design Considerations for the Beam Transmission Optical System
Further Research on these citations needed:
Navy SBIR program with the Office of Naval Research (ONR) N98-078 Compact High Energy Infrared Laser OBJECTIVE: Develop a compact, high energy, pulsed infrared laser that operates in the 3 - 5 micron and 8 - 12 micron spectral bands. DESCRIPTION: Develop and prototype compact, low repetition rate (up to 10 Hz), 1 - 10 microsecond pulse-width, greater than 1,000 Joule/pulse lasers in both the 3 - 5 micron (MWIR) and 8 - 12 micron (LWIR) spectral bands to support ongoing development of electro-optical systems. The laser output shall have good atmospheric transmission and the mode quality shall not exceed 2 times diffraction limited. PHASE I: Investigate the feasibility and demonstrate supporting technologies of a compact, pulsed, high energy 3 - 12 micron laser meeting the energy, wavelength and beam quality requirements. Resolve relevant beam divergence issues. Address design, performance, and operational safety issues of a system to be fabricated in Phase II as well as laser energy scaling issues in achieving the required output energy and repetition rate. PHASE II: Design, fabricate, test, and deliver a laboratory brassboard, 1,000 Joule/pulse, 1 - 10 microsecond pulsewidth, single shot to 10 Hz prf, MWIR and LWIR laser system. Laser head shall fit on a desk top. PHASE III: Transition technology to develop a highly compact and ruggedized systems for military and commercial applications. COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL: The wavelength and output energy of this technology is needed for the detection of environmental pollution where the path lengths are greater than 20 km and/or large areas or volumes of atmosphere are monitored. KEY WORDS: Lasers; mid-wave infrared; long-wave infrared; high energy; pulsed; low repetition rate. N98-045 TITLE: Low Cost Adaptive Optics forCommercial and Military Systems OBJECTIVE: Develop an adaptive optic system to extend capabilities of commercial and military imaging sensors in inclement weather. DESCRIPTION: Imaging systems
utilize reflected visible or infrared radiation to form images of the scene.
PHASE I: Conduct feasibility
analysis to determine those conditions where adaptive optics may provide
PHASE II: Develop, Test and demonstrate under realistic conditions the most promising adaptive optic techniques proposed in Phase I. Seek commercial and military sponsors for Phase III. PHASE III: Build prototype adaptive optical systems by the techniques demonstrated in Phase II. Apply to military seeker and FLIR systems as well as to commercial imaging systems. COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL: New method will be used in telescopes, space-to-earth optical systems such as SELENE, security systems, airbourne surveillance, spotting systems and other commercial optical systems. REFERENCES: References will be provided to DTIC for distribution to requesting bidders. KEY WORDS: Sensor, adaptive optics, infrared systems, longrange viewing, atmospheric compensation and enhanced resolution 168 Page Report - PDF Format
Planned Infrastructure Serving NAOMI site (Proceedings Paper) Author(s): Rodney D. Hartleib; Harold E. Bennett
Paper Abstract The National Advanced Optics Mission Initiative (NAOMI) consists of two proposed programs, the SpacE Laser ENErgy (SELENE) which includes the site, and the Advanced Telescope Technology Integrated Large Array (ATTILA). The infrastructure of the SELENE facility requires a systems engineering approach. There are several large scale projects for the water, power, access, and communications all of which are interactive elements. These projects need to be designed and constructed concurrently while taking environmental concerns into account before the SELENE facility becomes operational. DOI: 10.1117/12.208216 Current SPIE Digital Library subscribers click here to download this paper. |
FALCON - DOE Reactor-pumped Laser Program James R. Felty
ABSTRACT FALCON is a high-power, steady-state, nuclear reactor-pumped laser (RPL) concept that is being developed by the Department of Energy. The FALCON program has experimentally demonstrated reactor-pumped lasing in various mixtures of xenon, argon, neon, and helium at wavelengths of 585, 703, 725, 1271, 1733, 1792, 2032, 2630, 2650, and 3370 nm with intrinsic efficiency as high as 2.5%. The major strengths of a reactor-pumped laser are continuous highpower operation, modular construction, self-contained power, compact size, and a variety of wavelengths (from visible to infrared). These characteristics suggest numerous applications not easily accessible to other laser types. A ground-based RPL could beam its power to space for such activities as illuminating geosynchronous communication satellites in the earth's shadow to extend their lives, beaming power to orbital transfer vehicles, removing space debris, and providing power (from earth) to a lunar base during the long lunar night. The compact size and self-contained power also makes an RPL very suitable for ship basing so that power-beaming activities could be situated around the globe. The continuous high power of an RPL opens many potential manufacturing applications such as deep-penetration welding and cutting of thick structures, wide-area hardening of metal surfaces by heat treatment or cladding application, wide-area vapor deposition of ceramics onto metal surfaces, production of sub-micron sized particles for manufacturing of ceramics, wide-area deposition of diamond-like coatings, and 3-D ceramic lithography. SOURCE: OSTI
Laser Power Transmission Papers:
Holographic Technology Brighten's A Town's Future - HOLOS has had discussions with a venture capital investor interested in improving the performance of solar cells. The Naval Air Warf are Center at China Lake, California, is interested in using the hologram in SELENE, a program to beam power to a satellite solar power system using a free electron laser.
Lasers in space - Technological
options for enhancing US Military Capabilities
Mark E. Rogers, Lieutenant Colonel, USA (November 1997) Abstract: "The emerging importance of space-based systems is matched by the maturing of laser technology, giving a potential synergy to enhance military capability. For example, global awareness is one of the AF goals to give the US military the competitive advantage in future conflicts. Obtaining global awareness requires a tremendous amount of information being acquired and transferred over vast distances. Space-based laser communication satellites offer the potential of greatly increased data rates, which is just one example of how lasers in space could significantly improve US military capabilities. Recent strategic planning studies have identified various concepts for lasers in space, including both laser weapons and collateral applications such as communication and remote sensing. Four functional classes of systems (enabling, information-gathering, information-relaying, and energy delivery) serve to organize the various concepts and relate them to the new AF core competencies as well as the traditional AF roles. This study analyzes these concepts, scoring them for technical feasibility, technical maturity, operational enhancement and operational cost. The most promising concepts include space-based laser target designation, space-based battlefield illumination, laser communication, and active remote sensing for battle damage assessment and weather characterization. Several strategies can accelerate the development of space-based laser systems, such as using the new AF battlelabs and advanced technology demonstrations. " Then there is this disturbing little nugget: The concept is a system that could project holograms from space onto the ground, in the sky, or on the ocean anywhere in the theater of conflict for special operations deception missions. This system would be composed of either orbiting holographic projectors or relay satellites that would pass data and instructions to a remotely piloted vehicle or aircraft that would then generate and project the holographic image.”94 The apparent intention is to generate three-dimensional images of sufficient quality to make the observer believe an actual object is being seen. For example, projecting the face of Allah over Baghdad has been mentioned as one application of this concept for PSYOP missions; projecting the image of a tank would be a deception mission that could force enemy troops to move out of their position, exposing themselves to attack. There have even been suggestions by anonymous sources that these holographic images could be made to produce speech as well, which is theoretically possible using the photo-acoustic effect in air. This effect has been proposed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for a laser-based emergency broadcast system. |
There is also this part: " For example, Spacecast 2020
includes holographic projection from space, planetary defense weapons,
and weather modification systems that would involve lasers in space in
ways or at power levels that stagger the imagination. The table at
the end of the section consolidates more important concepts for space-based
lasers from Spacecast 2020. "
But then it says this: "Even the Spacecast 2020 study ranked this idea as ?so far in the future? that it is not worth further consideration. " ...So it must have gone black. :D [quote]but there is also this part too, about auditory projection and maybe weather control: [b]The ancillary concept of auditory project, however, is feasible and demonstrated[/b], but probably would not be done from a space-based platform given the difficulty of [b]controlling the region of air that is modulated. |
Solar power for the lunar night
Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
Visualization of Flows in Packed Beds of Twisted Tapes Author(s): Hendricks, R. C.; Braun, M. J.; Peloso, D.;
Athavale, M. M.; Mullen, R. L.
Access to Space: Beyond the Next Generation Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
Interstellar Flight by Particle Beam Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
Modeling of high efficiency solar cells under laser pulse for power beaming applications Author(s): Jain, Raj K.; Landis, Geoffrey A.
Pulsed laser illumination of photovoltaic cells Author(s): Yater, Jane A.; Lowe, Roland A.; Jenkins, Phillip
P.; Landis, Geoffrey A.
Review of solar cell temperature coefficients for space Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
Approaches to solar cell design for pulsed laser power receivers Author(s): Jain, Raj K.; Landis, Geoffrey A.
Workshop summary: Receivers for laser power beaming Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
The efficiency of photovoltaic cells exposed to pulsed laser light Author(s): Lowe, R. A.; Landis, G. A.; Jenkins, P.
Space power by laser illumination of PV arrays Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A. Re-Evaluating Satellite Solar Power Systems for Earth Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
The Space Technology-7 Disturbance Reduction System Precision Control Flight Validation Experiment Control System Design Author(s): O'Donnell, James R.; Hsu, Oscar C.; Maghami,
Peirman G.; Markley, F. Landis
Space transfer with ground-based laser/electric propulsion Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.; Stavnes, Mark; Oleson,
Steve; Bozek, John
Photovoltaic receivers for laser beamed power in space Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
Comparisons of selected laser beam power missions to conventionally powered missions Author(s): Bozek, John M.; Oleson, Steven R.; Landis,
Geoffrey A.; Stavnes, Mark W.
Laser beamed power: Satellite demonstration applications Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.; Westerlund, Larry H.
Solar power for the lunar night Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
Minority-carrier lifetime in InP as a function of light bias Author(s): Yater, Jane A.; Weinberg, I.; Jenkins, Phillip
P.; Landis, Geoffrey A.
Pulsed laser illumination of photovoltaic cells Author(s): Yater, Jane A.; Lowe, Roland A.; Jenkins, Phillip
P.; Landis, Geoffrey A.
Space transfer with ground-based laser/electric propulsion Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.; Stavnes, Mark; Oleson,
Steve; Bozek, John
Pulsed Laser Illumination of Photovoltaic Cells Author(s): Yater, Jane A.; Lowe, Roland; Jenkins, Philip;
Landis, Geoffrey A.
Indium phosphide solar cells for laser power beaming applications Author(s): Jain, Raj K.; Landis, Geoffrey A.
Optics and materials considerations for a laser-propelled lightsail Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
Satellite eclipse power by laser illumination Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
Space power by ground-based laser illumination Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
High efficiency solar cells for laser power beaming applications Author(s): Jain, Raj K.; Landis, G. A.
Recent Advances in Solar Cell Technology Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.; Bailey, Sheila G.; Piszczor,
Michael F., Jr.
Photoluminescence lifetime measurements in InP wafers Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.; Jenkins, Phillip; Weinberg,
A proposed time transfer experiment between the USA and the South Pacific Author(s): Luck, John; Dunkley, John; Armstrong, Tim;
Gifford, Guy A.; Landis, Paul; Rasmussen, Scott; Wheeler, Paul J.; Bartholomew,
Thomas R.; Stein, Samuel R.
Photovoltaic cells for laser power beaming Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.; Jain, Raj K.
Solar power for the lunar night Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
Photovoltaic receivers for laser beamed power in space Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
Photovoltaic receivers for laser beamed power in space Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
Moonbase night power by laser illumination Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
Space power by ground-based laser transmission Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
Modeling of High Efficiency Solar Cells Under Laser Pulse for Power Beaming Applications Author(s): Jain, Raj K.; Landis, Geoffrey A.
Receivers for laser power beaming summary of the workshop at SPRAT-12 Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.
Laser photovoltaic power system synergy for SEI applications Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.; Hickman, J. M.
Laser beamed power - Satellite demonstration applications Author(s): Landis, Geoffrey A.; Westerlund, Larry H.
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