Ancient UFO's Represented in Art
Nazca Lines
Nazca, Peru
Exhibit 100
 Plains of Nazca, Peru

A trident, carved on a mountain side in Peru, pointing the way to the Plains of Nazca.

 Nazca on the dry, southern coast of Peru, is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. The desert drawings there were already known to Peruvian archaeologists and the Peruvian Air Force by the early twentieth century, but archaeologists Alfred Kroeber and Toribio Mejia Xesspe the first scholars to highlight their significance (in the 1930s). As at Sajama, the lines appear to have been carved into the earth by removing rocks and topsoil from the surface to reveal lighter soils below. The Nazca lines cover some 550 square miles and, according to Aveni, if “laid end to end would run nearly 1,000 miles” (Aveni 2000:29). The desert plains of Nazca also have large, elaborate ground drawings – such as figures of a monkey, a fish, and a hummingbird – each constructed from a single, unbroken path. 
 Nazca Plain as seen from Space

The Nazca Lines provide one of the enduring images of Peru. These colossal geometric and artistic patterns etched in the desert south of Nazca have also engraved themselves on our collective memory.

The Lines were re-discovered in the 1920s and were first thought to have been created by the Incas, but it now seems clear that they are the legacy of a much older culture that developed over 2,300 years ago.

Today, frustratingly little is known about the Nazca culture despite finds of mummies, huge irrigation systems and some highly-decorated ceramics. We can still only wonder at what they were trying to accomplish by making these enormous shapes in the desert, and we can only begin to guess at how they created their greatest legacy, the Nazca Lines themselves.

- Source

Close up to one of the Nazca Lines
Copyright © 1949, Maria Reiche
Copyright © 1949, Maria Reiche
Close up of a parallel pair of straight, long lines that continue right up 
and over the mountain, maintaining a straght line
Image Credit: Maria Reiche
Layout of Glyphs

"All over the thirty miles and more of desert where ground-drawings can be found, these show always the same basic forms. The same kind of quadrangles, triangles, zigzag- and oscillating lines on large and small scales, the same starlike centres can be found everywhere, on vast plains. They are one single creation and are, together with the animal figures, quantitatively and qualitatively the most outstanding of all works by ancient Peruvians." 
- Maria Reiche, Mystery on the Desert - Source

1. Killer Whale
2. Wing
3. Baby Condor
4. Flamingo
5. Animal
6. Spiral
7. Lizard
8. Tree
9. Hands
10. Circles
11. Spider
12. Flower
13. Dog
14. Astronaut
15. Triangle
16. Whale
17. Trapezoids
18. Star
19. Pelican
20. Condor
21. Trapezoid
22. Hummingbird
23. Trapezoid
24. Monkey
25. Llama
26. Trapezoids 
 This line has also been labeled "Arrow" or "Trapezoid"

On the pampa, south of the Nasca Lines, archaeologists have now uncovered the lost city of the line-builders, Cahuachi. It was built nearly two thousand years ago and was mysteriously abandoned 500 years later. New discoveries at Cahuachi are at last beginning to give us insight into the Nasca people and to unravel the mystery of the Nasca Lines. - SOURCE

This image is a good example to show the scale of the Nazca Lines
 The Hummingbird, 50m long

The Nazca Lines are the most outstanding group of geoglyphs in the world. There are also huge geoglyphs in Egypt, Malta, United States (Mississippi and California), Chile, Bolivia and in other countries. But the Nasca geoglyphs, because of their numbers, characteristics, dimensions and cultural continuity as they were made and remade through out the whole prehispanic period, form the most impressive as well as enigmatic archeological group.

The Flamingo
The Flamingo
The Flamingo - Parihuana
 The Monkey, 55m long

"This drawing consists of no more than two elements. One is a wide line with a stem which, almost a mile long, leads into the maze of lines at the edge of the pampa. The other is one single uninterrupted line, that starts from one side of the long surface and after describing the contours of the monkey, consisting only of curves, runs through two different zig-zag shapes and crosses sixteen times over the geometric surface at whose top it finally ends." 
- Maria Reiche, Mystery on the Desert - Source

 The Spider, 46m long

"This drawing consists of no more than two elements. One is a wide line with a stem which, almost a mile long, leads into the maze of lines at the edge of the pampa. The other is one single uninterrupted line, that starts from one side of the long surface and after describing the contours of the monkey, consisting only of curves, runs through two different zig-zag shapes and crosses sixteen times over the geometric surface at whose top it finally ends." 
- Maria Reiche, Mystery on the Desert - Source

 The Pelican - the largest of them all - at 285m long

"The head of the largest bird is made of segments of circles, whose radii vary between 32 and 66 feet. The figure is much stylized, showing in profile, while two circles of equal diameter could represent two eyes. The two curves continuing from the end of the neck have exactly the same radius, being both concentrical to the eyes." 
- Maria Reiche, Mystery on the Desert - Source

 The Parrot

"The head of the largest bird is made of segments of circles, whose radii vary between 32 and 66 feet. The figure is much stylized, showing in profile, while two circles of equal diameter could represent two eyes. The two curves continuing from the end of the neck have exactly the same radius, being both concentrical to the eyes." 
- Maria Reiche, Mystery on the Desert - Source

The Parrot
 The Owlman or Astronaut (98 feet high)

"Another kind of figures is found on steep slopes (see the owl-man figure). From the ground they are practically unrecognizable." In the owl-man "The study of the straight lines beside it could perhaps throw light on its significance. The owl-man appears also in Peruvian pottery. Figures on slopes may be more primitive because of the steepness of the incline, or else they could belong to an earlier cultural level."
- Maria Reiche, Mystery on the Desert - Source

The Hands

The Dog
 The Condor (460 feet long),

 "It is represented as in a turn in its flight."
- Maria Reiche, Mystery on the Desert - Source

The Guanay (guano bird), 280m long

The Huarango Tree

The Killer Whale, 65m long

The Whale

The Lizzard 180m long. 
This one is becoming difficult to see and the highway runs trough the center of it.
The Star

Many of the lines form geometric figures: angles, triangles, bunches, spirals, rectangles, wavy lines, etc. Other lines form concentric circles converging with or emanating from a promontory.

Concentric Circles

A large and complex Nasca "Geoglyph"

The "Rose" or "Flower"

The Trapazoid #1
Gilbert de Jong

Gilbert de Jong was himself in Nazca and measured the GGF by GPS. He obtained a length of the square side of about 54,7 Meter. In the formation he recognized a Zodiac. You can find out more about at his theory at his website.

Exhibit 101
Cerro Unitas, Chile
El Gigante de Atacama or "The Giant of Atacama"

This huge geoglyph on Cerro Unitas in the Chilean Atacama desert was created 900 B.C. and measures 86 meters.

"The Chilean glyphs in the Atacama Desert are far more numerous and varied in style, cover a much larger region (150,000 km2 versus the 250 km2 of the Nazca lines), and were built between 600 and 1500 AD." - K. Kris Hirst

Spirals of Pine Gap
Exhibit 102
Alice Springs, Western Australia
Near Pine Gap Echelon Station

Spirals and Lines at the intersection of Hatt Rd (entrance to Pine Gap) and Stuart Hwy, Western Australia. Click on the image to zoom in for the full details. The Spirals are in the sandy area, the lines to the right of the highway.

For more information and comparisons see here

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