If Puck Loved Titania

Within these walls, such as they are, we're lost! 
No time have we to spend. So, send our hearts 
To other when's and where's and, once apart, 
They'll wind together and well-cheat the cost 
   Of love. For those walls be tall and shadowed, 
   And ill lit. Old are those walls that hold deep 
   Secrets whispered, and cold are keeps that keep 
   Dark truths told. There, those two hearts, though owed 
To other's ears, may there make bold and speak
Aloud the treasures therein and relieve 
The pain felt herein. Holding close the sheave's 
Of heaven, and e're the morning star peeks 
   Out, they'll be gone, like lazy mists at dawn... 
   Remembered as having kissed...then gone.

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