The Enigmas on the Moon
Anomalies in Copernicus Crater
Section One
"The Sphinx"
Detail of Picture LO-2-162H Section 4 from Copernicus
Though seeing "faces" in rock formations is quite common,
this one is quite remarkable, especially the round balls that make up the
"crown" or circlet above the brow. But the interesting thing is the shadow
on the left has a sharp angular line, not the jagged edge you would expect
following the contour of the "face". As these are un-retouched photos from
Nasa's Lunar Orbiter II in 1965 {See declaration here}
Editors Note: More text will be added soon... The complete
photos and discussion of them are available at ATS
Some color has been added to offset the key points and they are enlarged
sections of the originals, but no other enhancement has been made from
the originals. |
"The Pyramid"
Detail of Picture LO-2-162H Section 3 from Copernicus
from ATS posted on 13-9-2006 at 09:40 AM (post id: 2482718)
Regarding the Source of the photos that the above sections are taken
The first 4 are separate scans of one photo Lunar Orbiter 2-162H.
I ordered this photo many years ago from a NASA contractor, I forget which.
When the package arrived it was a 16x20 inch negative. It took until a
couple of years ago to find someone in Las Vegas that could print from
a 16x20 negative. I had 2 prints made, one a 16x20 print and one 20x24
which is now on my den wall. I took the 16x20 over to Bob Lazar's and he
scanned it in 4 sections: no. 1 is top left, no. 2 is top right, no. 3
is bottom right and no. 4 is bottom left. No. 5 is a scan of Lunar Orbiter
The LO-2-162H has not been retouched as far as I can tell. LO-5-155
has been retouched which is obvious from others photos I have of 155. The
other photo I am referring to is published in "Exploring the Moon Through
Binoculars and Small Telescopes by Ernest H. Cherrington, Jr. published
in Canada by the General Publishing Co. Toronto, copyright 1969, 1984.
It is on page 230 I think but I will check.
LO-2-162H is an oblique photo of the north face of Copernicus looking
north. I will post the technical data in the next couple of days. The Lunar
Orbiter cameras were launched in 1965-1966 and 1967. There were 5 Orbiters.
They sent back thousands of crystal clear photos of the moon. As I mentioned
most of these photos have been retouched. Through some quirk of fate I
not only received one that wasn't retouched but received the actual negative.
- John Lear
Author - John Lear; a member of from,
Lear's Moon Pictures on ATS |
"The Whole Picture"
Picture LO-2-162H Section 1 - 4 Copernicus Crater
When you pull back on the view and add the rest of the "enigmas" pointed
out above, you get a very eerie sense that something is amiss on the moon. |
An Important Note on Shadows
Crater on C #5
Tank A on C #5
The direction of the sunlight in
these images is effectively from the right. The exact angles are posted.
That means sunken objects such as craters or crevices have the bright side
on the left and the shadow on the right. Objects such as hills, spires
and tanks have the bright side on the right, the shadow on the left. This
is very important in searching for anomalies |
Copernicus Crater Strip Mine
"The Old Strip Mine"
Picture LO-2-162H Section 1 & 2 Copernicus Crater
The interesting thing about the above picture is that it simply looks
like the rocks have been disturbed by a large mining operation. Impact
craters do not leave such terraces effects, tending to throw debris outwards
like the Meteor Crater in Arizona {see below}. When they do make depression
ridges they are generally even around the crater. The angled terraces and
the debris piles on the left are more consistent with a mining operation
than with erosion patterns, but then, as there is not supposed to be any
air, wind or water on the moon to cause such erosion we can rule out that
It is the opinion of John Lear, myself and several others at ATS
that this area is indeed a strip mine... and further that it is currently
active, not an Ancient site
Strip Mine on Earth for Comparison
Meteor Crater - Arizona
The Evidence
On the following pages we will show you several anomalies in these
photos. Many of them match anomalies on image #5 which is an aerial view
taken on a different day of the same area covered by the first four images.
The four have been split up due to the high resolution of the image, making
it easier to study an area at a time.
For clarification there are three types of images presented here...
A} These are items that look like something, but are clearly tricks
of light and shadow. Most of them are large, which if real would make them
impossibly huge. We list them as they are the first obvious things most
people see... so we can identify them to avoid confusion later...
B} The Shadows! There are many shadows that are clearly seen that
are very interesting and unusual, yet there does not appear to be any source
to create the shadow. Most of the ones we have picked are extremely interesting...
so again we will include them for cataloging.
C} The real enigmas or objects that are out of place and present
clear evidence that all is not right. These are small, yet clearly identifiable.
They are in logical locations i.e.. on flat terraces, they are of the same
size scale, and are consistent with a mining operation.
At the end you will find the large images posted with all the "finds"
marked on the image, so you can compare them to the untouched originals
for yourself. The items have been labeled by various people that found
them based on what they thought at the time, and they have been credited
with the find.
The "Box" or Structure
John refers to this as the "Parking Garage" due to its resemblance
to such a building, but it also has resemblance to a mineral refinery on
Earth. Whatever the object represents, it certainly does not belong on
the Moon. First
found by Ram, a member of ATS
Building on Moon
Refinery at Mine on Earth
This structure is to the right of the "Box" and "Cross" on the same
ridge. The white triangle is interesting, but the perfect star shape is
more of an enigma |
Strange Shadows ~ The "Cross"
The "Cross"
Copernicus #5
Copernicus #1
GRID N-2,O-2
This "Cross" is located right beside the structure above
and can be seen in that picture. This mark is one of the keys that has
been used as a landmark to compare Copernicus #5 aerial view with Copernicus
#1 to #4. But no one has yet wondered about the source of the "Cross" shadow
that is so easily identifiable in both pictures.
It is quite possibly a landing
field, and as it is very large, would be easy to spot from above,
as we did in the photos. It is in any case a highly unusual marking that
is hard to attribute to "natural causes" |
The Anomalies in Area "A" on Copernicus #2
Area "A" on Copernicus #2 Anomaly Locator ~ Full
Untouched Image is Here
Please bear in mind that objects in the following images are named
by what they most closely resemble, not necessarily what they are. NASA
scientists routinely do this as well. It is simply human nature to label
things as something we are familiar with. Don't let a label detract you
from the object. |
Area "A" Details
The "Caves"
These openings are in the face wall of the rock below the "Box".
This means they are either natural caves, or mine openings. If you look
closely in the large one you will see thin lines that might indicate some
First discovered and named by Valhall
at ATS. Here we have a round object with a rectangular "window", you
can see a round tube support on its right side, and another section barely
visible above the rock on its right. It reflects sunlight brighter than
the surrounding rock. More on this object here!
Click on Image for Highlights
The "Water Tower" and the "Airplane"
Click on Image for Highlights
These to objects are a little more difficult to see, but clearly
they are not rocks. The "Airplane" is reflecting sunlight very brightly
and a fuselage, wings, tail and tail engine are identifiable, hence the
name. The three legs of the tower can be made out below the oval. To the
right of the "plane" appears a "truss" like structure.
The "Venting Tank"
This object is exhibits extremely bright reflection. From the left
you can clearly see venting gases evident by the "V" shaped dispersal pattern.
This is our first venting gases example. You will see more in other areas
later. {The cross like object is a flaw in the negative}
Click on Image for Gray scale
Area "A" Oddities Not Researched Yet
"White Out"
This white rectangle glares out at you when you look at the center of
the big picture. It is either missing transmission data, though that is
usually black, or it is evidence of tampering. No conclusion as yet on
this anomaly. |
"Bird on a Pyramid"
This shadow of a "Bird on a Pyramid" has been included because it is
interesting and has no apparent source that produced it, but the image
also shows one of the crosshairs that exist on all the big NASA photos.
These are not anomalies, they are part of the image process used to assemble
large images. The technical term is a FIDUCIAL,
they are etched onto a sheet of glass , known as a RESEAU
PLATE which sits between the film and the shutter.
"White Square 1"
This white square has thin lines emitting from the corners in a symmetrical
pattern. There is too little detail to draw a conclusion. |
"More Tanks 2"
These rounded oblong objects appear to be some sort of tank. Again the
detail is to small to make a conclusion, other than they do not appear
to be natural. |
Close-up View of the First Ridge
Mine Area Mapper
Front View Copernicus #2 and Aerial View from Copernicus
Note: #5 has to be rotated 90 degrees to the right to get the
same perspective or orientation as #2
can get the original full size image here.
In determining the area in #5 three key landmarks were used; the "cross",
the angular rock formation and the "steps". These three are clearly identifiable
in both images. |
The Anomalies in Area "A" on Copernicus #5
Area "A" on Copernicus #5
Image #5 is both less detailed and a smaller scale as it is taken from
a higher altitude. This makes it more difficult to clearly spot certain
objects, but not impossible. |
GRID 5-K-7a
This image is "Peekaboo" seen from above. You see here the round sphere
connected by lines to other smaller spheres. To the upper left of the larger
sphere you can see a backward "C" shaped object with two lines forming
an upside down "V". We will come back to this later in detail, or you can
ahead to see it here! |
"Cross 5"
GRID 5-K-5a
This is the "Cross" shadow next to the "Box". The formation to the
right of it also looks peculiar. |
"The Hand B"
GRID 5-K-5b
This one is a really unusual structure. It is found to the left of
the "Cross'. It has not been located in #2 yet. Click on image to remove
highlight. |
"Structure Y"
GRID 5-K-5c
The shape in the center with the two points facing left is the top view
overlooking the "Box" in #2. It is too fuzzy to make accurate determinations,
but the location is the same. UPDATE: This enigma
is in the crater above the one that should show the box.. It remains unknown.
See here
for location. |
GRID 5-K-6a
The two "Caves" in the rock face. This is a very good image to compare
the scale of #2 and #5. All we need to find is the crater diameter to determining
size of objects in these pictures. |
"Bird on a Pier"
GRID 5-K-6b
This "Bird on a Pier" shadow is amazingly clear, yet there is no
explanation as to its source. The gray color indicates shadow as opposed
to a hole. |
"Structure A"
GRID 5-J-5a
When you view this one on the original image and zoom in you will
see a round sphere on a platform with shadow. There are faint lines connecting
to smaller spheres similar to "Peekaboo". There are several more objects
in other areas that exhibit this same peculiar structure |
"Silo C"
GRID 5-L-7a
This one appears to be a silo shaped object, with a shiny round dome
on top |
"Structure D"
GRID 5-K-8a
Although this one is out of focus, you can still make out the small
spheres and connecting lines, again with a large one in the center. |
"Structure L"
GRID 5-K-7b
More strange structures connected by lines. More investigation required. |
"Structure M"
GRID 5-J-8a
More strange structures connected by lines. More investigation required. |
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