The Enigmas on the Moon |
Lunar Orbiter II .
One of the most overlooked pieces of "concrete" evidence is one anomaly that is actually very large, and that makes it easily overlooked when seeking small scale anomalies. However, even though this is large, it never the less is to scale and yet right in front of our eyes. In the picture above you will see a gentle incline that travels a long way across the picture. Notice the color and texture just below the "line". It is very fine grain rock or gravel and grayer that the surrounding area. This looks EXACTLY like any graded mining ramp on Earth. In the center you will also see several black angular objects all along this line. Too small to make out detail, yet interesting enough to warrant notation. This graded area runs through the center of the image, goes behind a couple of hills and curves back on the left, with indications of more roads dropping to the crater floor.
This is the continuation of the SAME ridge to the right of the previous image after it passes behind a hill. This one is even more level and still has the fine texture graded look. This portion is in more direct sunlight hence the lighter color. Notice the appearance of "dust" along this section, the same effect is seen when a vehicle drives down a desert road, a series of little "puffs" There is a "plume" on the right. In the center of the image, just below the grade line you can see two sets of 4 arches. We will detail these in another section
This is the continuation of the SAME ridge to the left of the first image. It still is a gentle even slope and graded. This ridge almost crosses the entire image #1. In the center {white box} is a very peculiar anomaly. We will look at this area seperately under "The Keep" |
In the image above we show the area of the graded road way with a few landmarks to use as comparison. In the aerial view of Copernicus in C#5 the area where the grade should be is completely whited out... not even a pixel trace... just white. Zarniwoop, a member of ATS discovered another image though that confirms the grade. The image number is AS17-151-23260.jpg from the Apollo 17 mission. Below Undo, a member of ATS, has marked the same landmarks as the above image;
Apollo 17 Mission AS17-151-23260 .
This is Copernicus crater cropped from the Apollo 17 image. Click on the photo for the full size high resolution image |
This is Copernicus crater cropped from the Apollo 17 image, a closeup detail of the left side of the crater showing a higher angle of the graded roadway than C#1 |
at Above Top Secret Discussion Forum |
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