Of Giants
Rumors, Myths and Reality
Page 002
Genesis 6:4
were giants in the earth in those days;
and also after that, when the sons of God
came in unto the daughters of men, and
they bare children to them, the same
became mighty men which were of old, men
of renown." - King James Bible
(Cambridge Ed.)
Now a
little closer to home (my home)
(Dec-20-2010 12:36)
Man-Eating Giants
Discovered in Nevada Cave
Terrence Aym
A Paiute brave faces the maurading giants
"...the archaeologists
came to the inescapable conclusion that the
Paiutes myth was no myth; it was true.
(CHICAGO ) - The Paiutes, a Native-American
tribe indigenous to parts of Nevada, Utah
and Arizona, told early white settlers about
their ancestors' battles with a ferocious
race of white, red-haired giants. According
to the Paiutes, the giants were already
living in the area.
Roaming, man-eating giants
The Paiutes named the giants Si-Te-Cah that
literally means “tule-eaters.” The tule is a
fibrous water plant the giants wove into
rafts to escape the Paiutes continuous
They used the rafts to navigate across what
remained of Lake Lahontan.
Giants roamed
the Earth
According to the
Paiutes, the red-haired giants stood as tall
as 12-feet and were a vicious,
unapproachable people that killed and ate
captured Paiutes as food.
The legend
The Paiutes told the early settlers that
after many years of warfare, all the tribes
in the area finally joined together to rid
themselves of the giants.
One day as they chased down the few
remaining red-haired enemy, the fleeing
giants took refuge in a cave. The tribal
warriors demanded their enemy come out and
fight, but the giants steadfastly refused to
leave their sanctuary.
Frustrated at not defeating their enemy with
honor, the tribal chiefs had warriors fill
the entrance to the cavern with brush and
then set it on fire in a bid to force the
giants out of the cave.
The few that did emerge were instantly slain
with volleys of arrows. The giants that
remained inside the cavern were asphyxiated.
Later, an earthquake rocked the region and
the cave entrance collapsed leaving only
enough room for bats to enter it and make it
their home.
Cave of the
Nevadan man-eating giants
The find
Hundreds of years later
archaeologists explored the cavern near
Lovelock, Nevada--the cave the Indians had
What the scientific researchers found was
staggering: over 10,000 artifacts were
unearthed including the mummified remains of
two red-haired giants—one, a female 6.5-feet
tall, the other male, over 8-feet tall.
Many of the artifacts (but not the giants)
can be viewed at the small natural history
museum located in Winnemucca, Nevada.
A giant
red-haired mummy from Nevada
Confirmation of the
As the excavation of the cave progressed,
the archaeologists came to the inescapable
conclusion that the Paiutes myth was no
myth; it was true.
What led them to this realization was the
discovery of many broken arrows that had
been shot into the cave and a dark layer of
burned material under sections of the
overlaying guano.
Among the thousands of artifacts recovered
from this site of an unknown people is what
some scientists are convinced is a calendar:
a donut-shaped stone with exactly 365
notches carved along its outside rim and 52
corresponding notches along the inside.
But that was not to be the final chapter of
red-haired giants in Nevada.
In February and June of 1931, two very large
skeletons were found in the Humboldt dry
lake bed near Lovelock, Nevada.
More giants have been unearthed in other
Reprint from... Man-Eating
Giants Discovered in Nevada Cave -
Though this is
in my area I haven't had time to dig deeply into
this story, but there seems to be a lot of activity
about it from time to time. So I will update theses
posts as I find out more
Ancient Civilization Beneath Death
August 4, 1947 edition of the San
Diego Union.
According to the clipping,
explorers had unearthed, near the
Arizona-Nevada-California line, the mummified
remains of strangely costumed giants which the
discoverers dated to around 80,000 years ago.
Union reported that a Howard E. Hill of Los
Angeles was recounting the work of Dr. F.
Bruce Russell, a retired Cincinnati physician
who had originally located the first of
several tunnels near Death Valley in 1931, but
had not been able to return to the area until
the help of Dr. Daniel S. Bovee, who with
Hill's father had once helped open up New
Mexico's cliff dwellings, Russell had
recovered the remains of several men of 8 to 9
feet in height.
"These giants," said Hill, "are clothed in
garments consisting of a medium length jacket
and trouser extending slightly below the
knees. The texture of the material is said to
resemble gray dyed sheepskin, but obviously it
was taken from an animal unknown today."
also said, according to the Union, that in
another cavern was found the ritual hall of
the ancient people, together with devices and
markings similar to those now used by the
Masonic order. In a long tunnel were
well-preserved remains of animals, including
elephants and tigers. So far, Hill added, no
women have been found.
said the explorers believe that what they
found was the burial place of the tribe's
hierarchy. Hieroglyphics, he added, bear a
resemblance to what is known of those from the
lost continent of Atlantis. They are chiseled,
he added, on carefully polished granite.
Civilizations, Giants, Tunnels Beneath
Southern California? - OOPARTS
of the Article:
LOS ANGELES, Aug 4. (AP)-- A retired Ohio
doctor has discovered relics of an ancient
civilization, whose men were 8 or 9 feet tall in
the Colorado desert near the
Arizona-Nevada-California line, an associate said
Howard E. Hill. of Los Angeles speaking
before the Transportation Club, disclosed that
several well-preserved mummies were taken
yesterday from caverns in an area roughly 180
miles square, extending through much of southern
Nevada from Death Valley, Calif. across the
Colorado River into Arizona.
Hill said the discoverer is Dr. F. Bruce
Russell, retired Cincinnati physician, who
stumbled on the first of several tunnels in 1931,
soon after coming West and deciding to try mining
for his health.
Not until this year, however, did Dr. Russell go
into the situation thoroughly, Hill told the
luncheon. With Dr. Daniel S. Bovee, of Los Angeles
-- who with his father helped open up New Mexico's
cliff dwellings -- Dr. Russell has found mummified
remains together with implements of the
civilization, which Dr. Bovee had tentatively
placed at about 80,000 years old.
"These giants are clothed in garments
consisting of a medium length jacket and trouser
extending slightly below the knees." said Hill.
"The texture of the material is said to resemble
gray dyed sheepskin, but obviously it was taken
from an animal unknown today."
Hill said that in another cavern was found the
ritual hall of the ancient people, together with
devices and markings similar to those now used by
the Masonic order. In a long tunnel were
well-preserved remains of animals including
elephants and tigers. So far, Hill added, no women
have been found.
He said the explorers believe that what they
found was the burial place of the tribe's
hierarchy. Hieroglyphics, he added, bear a
resemblance to what is known of those from the
lost continent of Atlantis. They are chiseled, he
added, on carefully-polished granite.
He said Dr. Viola V. Pettit, of London, who
made excavations around Petra, on the Arabian
desert, soon will begin an inspection of the
remains. |
According to Paiute oral history, the
Si-Te-Cah are a legendary tribe whose
mummified remains were discovered (under four
feet of guano) by miners in what is now known
as “Lovelock Cave” in Lovelock, Nevada, United
States. Although the cave had been mined since
1911, it was not until 1912 when miners
notified authorities. An archeological
excavation ensued producing 10,000 artifacts.
"Si-Te-Cah" literally means “tule-eaters” in
the language of the Paiute Indians. Tule is a
fibrous water plant. In order to escape
harassment from the Paiutes, the Si-Te-Cahs
were said to have lived on rafts made of tule
on the lake.
to the Paiutes, the Si-Te-Cah were a hostile
and warlike tribe who practiced cannibalism.
The Si-Te-Cah and the Paiutes were at war, and
after a long struggle a coalition of tribes
trapped the remaining Si-Te-Cah in Lovelock
Cave. When they refused to come out, the
Indians piled brush before the cave mouth and
set it aflame. The Si-Te-Cah were annihilated.
Winnemucca Hopkins, daughter of Paiute Chief
Winnemucca, related many stories about the
Si-Te-Cah in her book Life Among the Paiutes.
"My people say that the tribe we exterminated
had reddish hair. I have some of their hair,
which has been handed down from father to son.
I have a dress which has been in our family a
great many years, trimmed with the reddish
hair. I am going to wear it some time when I
lecture. It is called a mourning dress, and no
one has such a dress but my family." (Hopkins,
page 75).
Mayor writes about the Si-Te-Cah in her book
Fossil Legends of the First Americans. She
suggests that the 'giant' interpretation of
the skeletons from Lovelock Cave and other dry
caves in Nevada was started by entrepreneurs
setting up tourist displays and that the
skeletons themselves were of normal size.
However, about a hundred miles north of
Lovelock there are plentiful fossils of
mammoths and cave bears, and their large limb
bones could easily be thought to be those of
giants by an untrained observer.
She also
discusses the reddish hair, pointing out that
hair pigment is not stable after death and
that various factors such as temperature,
soil, etc. can turn ancient very dark hair
rusty red or orange, though it may not account
for the Paiute tradition of red-haired people
existing here before the cave was excavated.
Another explanation for the 'giant'
interpretation of the skeletons may also come
from the fact that some of the first remains
unearthed by the guano miners in 1911-12 were
described as “giant". A written report by
James H. Hart, the first of two miners to
excavate the cave in the fall of 1911, recalls
that in the north-central part of the cave,
about four feet deep, "was a striking looking
body of a man “six feet six inches tall.” His
body was mummified and his hair distinctly
red." (Loud & Harrington, page 87).
Unfortunately in the first year of mining,
some of the human remains and artifacts were
lost and destroyed. "The best specimen of the
adult mummies was boiled and destroyed by a
local fraternal lodge, which wanted the
skeleton for initiation purposes." (Loud &
Harrington, page 5). Also, several of the
fiber sandals found in the cave were
remarkably large, and one reported at over 15
inches (38 cm) in length was said to be on
display at the Nevada Historical Society's
museum in Reno in 1952. The Paiute tradition
asserts that the Si-Te-Cah people practiced
cannibalism, and this may have had some basis
in fact. During the 1924 excavation of the
cave, a series of three human bones were found
near the surface towards the mouth of the
cave. "These had been split to extract the
marrow, as animal bones were split, and
probably indicate cannibalism during a
famine." (Loud & Harrington, page 13).
- Wikipedia
Death Valley's
Ancient Underground
The story of the find in Nevada
by Dr. F. Bruce Russell is the subject of a video.
There are four parts, but episode #1 deals with the
giants. The video is only availble on CD from Amazon
as far as I have found. Episode 3 is available on
Youtube (see below) but has nothing to do with the
giants. Included for interest...
1: "Death Valley's Ancient Underground"- On
August 5, 1947 an astounding announcement was
made. Dr. F. Bruce Russell, a retired
physician from Cincinnati, had found a cave
with giant mummified remains and artifacts
from a lost civilization. Fifteen years
earlier a miner broke through a mine shaft and
into a tunnel of caverns which he also said
led to the remains of an ancient people. And
before that, one of the men who worked on the
wagons hauling borax stumbled upon a cavern
with remnants of a forgotten and lost race.
Every one of these accounts takes place in
Death Valley. And there's more...what did one
of Death Valley's most well-known
entrepreneurs know about a lost civilization?
And what about its most famous celebrity,
Death Valley Scotty? What did he know, and is
there a link to Scotty's Castle? And most
important of all: Are there really caverns
with hidden gold and ancient mummies in Death
We are proud to announce
the launching of a new series from Gold Greek
Films and East Creek Productions, "Weird
Tales." The first episode premiered with 5
Special Screenings in Death Valley National
Park. There was no better place to begin the
series than in the place whose name and
reputation has created more weird and strange
tales than any other geographical location in
the United States.
This anthology
series tells in a dramatic and entertaining
format weird tales Both Historical and
Contemporary. The concept of 'weird' is open
enough to include past and present and open to
a wide variety of locations.
And what a cool way
to get young folks interested in history. We
come at old stories from a 'weird'
perspective. There are thousands of tales of
lost gold mines, lost treasures and strange
events in the California, Nevada and Arizona
Episode 2 - "Into
Death Valley's Underground"- This episode
explores the concept of "The Hollow Earth"
which may have had its beginnings in Death
Valley. We follow Charles Manson and his quest
for the underground city. We see how the
belief in an underground civilization grew
into the concept of an underground alien base.
Are there really reptilian aliens under Death
Valley's mountains. To find out we asked a UFO
expert, heard from some abductees and finally
went deep into Death Valley's Underground on
our own expedition!
Episode 3: "The
Pioneer's Lost Trunk"- In December of 1849 a
group of pioneers set out from the settlement
at Salt Lake, Utah on their way to California.
Most were gold-seekers, some Mormon
missionaries, others looking for a better way
of life but all seemed impatient. When some of
them took a shortcut it got them "into the
jaws of hell" as was predicted, leading them
into the place they later named Death Valley.
In December of 1998 an expedition set out to
retrace the route of those lost pioneers. In a
cave along the trail the team made an
astounding discovery: a trunk containing
valuables and a letter from one of the 1849
pioneers! For days, national and international
media were drawn to this Death Valley
discovery. It was one of the most
extraordinary western artifacts ever found.
...or was it?
Weird Tales 3: The
Pioneer's Lost Trunk
Episode 4: "The Ghosts of
Death Valley Junction"- Just outside the
border of Death Valley National park a lonely
group of buildings stands in the desert.
Bleached white from the searing sun alone and
abandoned it is all that remains of a thriving
mining operation from the 1906 through 1931.
Today dancer Marta Becket lives and performs
here. Caretakers Rich and Mary Lee watch over
the hotel and famed Amargosa Opera House. But
there are other residents: ghosts from the
mining days. Rated as one of the most haunted
places in America, Death Valley Junction has
gained much attention. But who are these
ghosts? Are they leftover from the history of
this place?
Uploaded on Dec 31, 2010
A clip from the film Weird Tales III - The Pioneers Lost Trunk. This
clip is from the famed Lost 49er's Expedition where an expedition team
came together to retrace the footsteps of the Lost Pioneers that entered
Death Valley in the winter of 1850. The discovery of a trunk in a cave
led to worldwide discussion on it's origin and contents. Footage shot by
Allan R. Smith
Related Links:
Zhan Shi Chai -
Chang the Chinese Giant
1880 cabinet card of
Chang the Chinese Giant.
Zhan Shichai ((1840s - 5
November 1893), was a Chinese giant who toured
the world as "Chang the Chinese Giant" in the
19th century, the stage name is "Chang Woo
Zhan was born in Fuzhou in what is now Fujian
Province in the 1840s, though reports of the
year vary from 1841 to 1847. His height was
claimed to be over 8 feet (2.4 m), but there
are no authoritative records. He left China in
1865 to travel to London where he appeared on
stage, later travelling around Europe, and to
the US and Australia as "Chang the Chinese
Giant". Zhan received a good education in
various countries, and developed a good
understanding of ten languages. In America, he
earned a salary of $500 a month.
Kin Foo, the Chinese wife who accompanied Zhan
from China, died in 1871, and Zhan later
married Catherine Santley, a Liverpudlian whom
he met in Sydney, Australia. They had two
children: Edwin, born in 1877 in Shanghai, and
Ernest, born in 1879 in Paris.
In 1878, Zhan retired from the stage and
settled in Bournemouth, where he opened a
Chinese teahouse and a store selling Chinese
Zhan died in Bournemouth in 1893, four months
after his wife, aged around 50. His coffin was
8 feet 6 inches (2.6 m) long.
Shi Chai - Wikipedia
– The Chinese Giant - Human Marvels
Zhan Shichai, the
tallest person. Wikimedia
Source - Steven Quayle
Kurt Zehe

Kurt Zehe - 7 feet 2
inches (218.6 cm)
German heavyweight wrestler Kurt Zehe (born
12 January 1913) was brought to the UK by
promoter Athol Oakeley in his attempt to
revive the all-in style following the war.
Said to tower eight feet four inches above
his opponents and weighing 50 stones
Gargantua fought former boxer Jack Doyle in
1952 in a match that proved such a huge anti
climax that it did nothing for the
reputation of promoter Oakley or the all-in
style. Kurt Zehe went on to work regularly
in the film world.
Kurt Zehe died in 1969.
Tallest Man - Kurt Zehe

The Legend of
the Giant
In the old days, a huge
giant appeared among the Truku. The stride of
his feet was so gigantic that he could step
from one mountain right onto the next, and his
stomp was so enormous that with just two
trampling footsteps he created the Puluo Wan
(or Truku) and the Hsila An terraces, now both
settlements of the Truku tribe. Legend even
has it that the entire Huatung Valley running
in a north-south direction from Hualien to
Taitung is the result of the giant’s stomping
and pounding!
This incredibly tall and strong giant lived in
the areas surrounding the Truku settlements,
and one might have thought that he would
become a good friend and helper of the tribe.
But in fact, his greatest skill became a
source of much trouble and nuisance for the
With his fast pace and wide stride, he would
take almost every opportunity to intercept the
prey of the Truku hunters. Whenever the
hunters were chasing some game, he’d simply
come up and put his head flat on the ground in
exactly the direction into which the fleeing
animals were running. He would open his
enormous mouth, and the game would barge
helter-skelter into his maw. While he thus
enjoyed one free meal after the other, the
Truku living around him were suffering from
hunger. Soon, the situation became unbearable.
So the Truku of the various settlements
decided to join forces and fight the giant
together. Although everybody was afraid of the
giant’s great strength, they also believed
that by putting their heads together they
would be able to come up with a way to defeat
him. After much deliberation, the Truku
devised a plan. It was somewhat risky, but
they went straight ahead with it anyway.
On the next hunting day, all the Truku
warriors gathered in the mountains and
pretended to go hunting. When the giant saw
this, he anticipated another generous meal,
and he hid behind the next mountain to wait
for the animals to come running by.
Now the Truku had prepared a large round
mountain crystal, and when they saw that the
giant had assumed his position behind the next
mountain, they made a fire and put the big
crystal rock into it until it was glowing with
a bright red sheen. Seeing that the time was
ripe, the warriors began pushing the crystal
rock down the mountain. As they kept shoving
and rolling it forward with their united
strength, they were shouting, “Quickly, move
it! After it, after it!” to give the
impression that they were really on a hunt.
As he heard the shouts of the warriors and the
sound of the huge crystal rock rolling
downhill, the giant quickly stuck out his
tongue and opened his mouth as wide as he
could, getting ready to devour all the animals
that he thought came stampeding down the
mountainside. Image his surprise when the
red-hot crystal rock suddenly rolled right
into his throat! The giant was rolling about
on the ground, writhing in agony, until at
last he fell into the ocean off Hualien and
sank to the bottom of the sea. Only his two
feet remained above the water’s surface –
today we call the feet Orchid Island
Multicultural Arts Group
Irish Giant
12? 2? Irish Giant
This photo of a ‘fossilized
Irish giant’ was taken at a London rail
depot, and appeared in the December 1895
issue of Strand Magazine. The giant was
allegedly dug up by a Mr Dyer while
prospecting for iron ore in County Antrim
It was 12 ft 2 in (3.71 m) tall,
weighed 2 tonnes, and had 6 toes on its
right foot. After being exhibited in Dublin,
it was brought to England and exhibited in
Liverpool and Manchester at sixpence a head,
‘attracting scientific men as well as gaping
sightseers’. After a legal dispute over
ownership, nothing more appears to have been
heard or seen of the exhibit.
Giant - World Museum
An article from Strand
magazine (December,1895) reprinted in
“Traces of the Elder Faiths of Ireland” by
W.G. Wood-Martin mentions this fossilized
giant discovered during mining operations in
County Antrim, Ireland: “Pre-eminent among
the most extraordinary articles ever held by
a railway company is the fossilized Irish
giant, which is at this moment lying at the
London and North-Western Railway Company’s
Broad street goods depot, and a photograph
of which is reproduced here. . . This
monstrous figure is reputed to have been dug
up by a Mr. Dyer whilst prospecting for iron
ore in County Antrim. The principal
measurements are: entire length, 12ft. 2in.;
girth of chest, 6ft. 6in.; and length of
arms, 4ft. 6in. There are six toes on the
right foot. The gross weight is 2 tons
15cwt.; so that it took half a dozen men and
a powerful crane to place this article of
lost property in position for the Strand
magazine artist. Dyer, after showing the
giant in Dublin, came to England with his
queer find and exhibited it in Liverpool and
Manchester at sixpence, sixpence a head,
attracting scientific men as well as gaping
the story gets weirder
Giant hoaxes
Back in 1869 in Cardiff New
York, an avowed atheist named George Hull
got into an argument with a preacher from
a traveling revival show over whether or
not the Bible should be read literally.
The specific verse in question was Genesis
6:4. The preacher argued for the complete
and absolute truth of the passage. Hull
got an idea.
He secretly arranged for the
carving of a 10 foot giant statue of
himself which he buried on his
brother-in-law's farm. On October 16, 1869
contractors hired to dig a well
"discovered" the statue, and believers
promptly declared it to be the fossilized
remains of a biblical giant, proving the
accuracy of Genesis 6:4
Hull and his brother-in-law
were making a nice little side-income by
charging believers 50 cents a head to view
the "fossil" when investors offered them
$30,000 for it so they could display it in
Syracuse New York where larger crowds
could be expected.
the Cardiff giant
PT Barnum was so impressed by
how well the Syracuse exhibit was doing,
he offered $60,000 just to borrow the
"fossil" for three months. When he was
turned down, he made a plaster copy which
drew bigger crowds than the original.
Eventually, the Cardiff giant
drew the attention of scientists and a
Yale paleontologist examined it. Quickly
finding clearly identifiable chisel marks
in the stone which would not be present in
a genuine fossil and which would have
somewhat eroded in a long-buried ancient
statue, he declared the giant to be a
And yet, people continued to
pay to see the biblical giant even though
most now recognized it was all a hoax. The
original can be seen to this day in the
Farmers' Museum in Cooperstown and
Barnum's copy is in Marvin's Museum near
Now it gets even more
In 1895, a fossilized giant
was apparently discovered in County
Antrim, Ireland and shipped to London
where it was photographed and the picture
published in The Strand magazine. This
giant was reportedly taller than the
Cardiff Giant at over 12 feet. Somehow in
spite of its size, the "Fossilized Irish
Giant" managed to disappear shortly after
this picture was taken.
Unfortunately, no scientist ever
managed to examine this particular "fossil"
before it was "lost." As a result, there are
still those today who use the Irish Giant as
clear and convincing evidence of the literal
truth of Genesis 6:4 (Just do a web search on
Fossilized Irish Giant.)
things to note:
Look at the similarities of pose
between the proven fake Cardiff Giant and the
mysteriously missing Irish Giant. Does this
not suggest that someone copied PT Barnum's
idea of copying the Cardiff Giant?
Does the perspective look right in this
photograph? Is the "giant" really taller than
that freight car in the background. Or is this
a carefully selected camera angle to make a
much smaller statue look immense? Is the
photograph of the fake itself a fake?
The Strand[1] was primarily a fiction
magazine. It also published puzzles and
And yet
today there are those who believe the Irish
Giant was real.
Reposted from;
Universal Church Triumphant of the Apathetic
Agnostic & John Tyrrell
Tall in the Land of Genghis Khan
During the first of five expeditions
to Mongolia, Roy Chapman Andrews photographed
this seven-foot-five-inch (2m 13cm) man in
1922 in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar—but
that wasn’t the explorer’s biggest find. In an
automobile caravan following the ancient
routes of Genghis through the Gobi desert,
Andrew’s party discovered one of the world’s
richest dinosaur fossil fields, featured in
the June 1933 and July 1996 issue of the
ourselves are the ‘trail-breakers’ of motor
transportation,” wrote Andrews. “Instead of
thrilling with pride at the thought, I
reflected sadly that we were violating the
sanctity of the desert and destroying the
mystery of Mongolia.”
photograph was never published in the
- Stephen Quayle |
Feodor Machnow, (Fyodor Makhnov) was
born in 1878 at the village of Kasciuki near
Viciebsk (now Belarus). Though exact details
concerning his birth and real height are
uncertain, Machnow eventually grew to a
stature of 7-ft-10 inches (2.39m) and a weight
of 365 lbs.
As a young man in his twenties he
toured Europe to exhibit his great height.
After having spent time in Berlin he visited
London in 1905 where he joined the Hippodrome
accompanied by his wife and young child. He
then toured the United States in 1906 where he
met President Roosevelt. Throughout his tour
his promoters exaggerated his height, and he
is usually accredited with a stature of
9-feet-3 inches (2.82m) and billed as "The
Russian Giant." On the obelisk it is still
possible to read: "Feodor Machnow. Born June
6, 1878. Died August 28, 1912. Tallest man in
the world. He was 254 centimetres tall". This
index was taken from a 16-year old Feodor
contract. But after 16 years of Feodor Machnow
continued to grow, and added 31 cm, reaching
282 cm. Giant's wife, Efrosinja wanted to
correct the incorrect figure on the monument,
but was prevented from doing so because of the
beginning of the First World War and then the
Revolution. Unfortunately Machnow's wife could
not verify this version. This exaggeration may
have been because he wore a huge Cossack fur
hat, and tall boots which added a foot to his
height. Although, if this was accurate, he
would have been taller than Robert Wadlow.
died in the year 1912 due to pneumonia and
likely complications of Acromegaly although
there are other versions of the story. Some
believed he had been poisoned by rivals or
envious competitors (Machnow was a rather well
known wrestler), but no evidence for this is
available. He was the father of four children
none of whom reached a height greater than two
Machnow - Wikipedia
Kate Ewing - "The Missouri Giantess"
This is an image of a
turn of the 20th century circus flyer used to
promote Ella Ewing, considered the worlds tallest
woman of her era.
She died in 1913
Ella Kate Ewing (March 9, 1872 -
January 10, 1913) was a Missouri woman
considered the worlds tallest female of her
era. She would use her great height to earn a
living as a sideshow attraction, popularly
known as "The Missouri Giantess."
Ella Ewing
was born in La Grange, Missouri, the only
child of Benjamin F. and Anna Eliza (Herring)
Ewing. While a toddler, Ella's family moved to
the small Scotland County community of
Rainbow, southeast of Gorin, Missouri. She was
of normal size while a baby and young child,
with the first signs of any abnormality
appearing shortly after her seventh birthday.
At age fourteen she towered over not only
other children but her parents and other
adults, measuring 6 feet 10 inches. The people
of the Rainbow and Gorin area were used to her
fast growth and met it with compassion,
however in 1885 Ella learned that would not
always be the case in the world at large.
Asked to read the Declaration of Independence
at a July 4 celebration in Wyaconda, Missouri,
Ella was met with shocked gasps, snickers and
laughter when she stood to read. Led away in
tears, the incident would have a profound
effect on her life.
maximum height is a matter of dispute, but in
several accounts she was claimed to be over
eight feet tall. Her mothers journal indicated
that Ella's growth finally stopped when she
was age twenty-two, at 8 feet, 4 inches tall.
However, this is not well documented, and as
such she is not mentioned in Guinness World
Records. The Guinness Book of Records has
stated she measured 7 feet 4 and a half inches
tall, and may have reached 7 feet 6 inches by
the time she died. As typical of many people
afflicted with pituitary gigantism Ella's arms
were very long, with her hands and feet
exceptionally big. She wore a custom-made size
24 US shoe and often wore multiple rings on
her fingers to mask their unusual length.
Ewing - Wikipedia
Photo of Ella Ewing
and her parents. Miss Ewing was considered the
worlds tallest woman of her era.
Photo of Ella Ewing and
her family outside her special-built home near
Gorin, Missouri.
Giantess en:Anna Swan
with her parents Image online from Collections
Anna Haining Bates, born Anna
Haining Swan (August 6, 1846 – August 5,
1888), was a Canadian from Mill Brook, New
Annan, (near present-day Tatamagouche),
Colchester County, Nova Scotia, famed for
her great height, believed to be 2.27 m (7'
5½") at the peak of her stature. Her parents
were of average height and were Scottish
Haining Bates - Wikipedia
Anna Swan and her
husband, Martin van Buren Bates with a man of
average height,
between 1878 and 1888 - Collections
While crossing the Atlantic Ocean for a
European tour, Anna met Kentucky giant Martin
Van Buren Bates. They married in England on
June 17, 1871 and toured together as the
world's largest married couple, giving command
performances for Queen Victoria and the then
Prince of Wales. Returning to North America,
Anna's husband built them a house in Ohio with
14-foot ceilings and furniture made to
measure. Though the couple had a daughter, and
later a son, both children were abnormally
large and neither infant survived. Anna died
of tuberculosis in 1888.
Nacken - 7 feet 3.5 inches (222.3 cm)

Nacken was born in Dusseldorf, Germany in
1906. In the beginning of his touring career
he was also known as Uranus. He came to the
U.S. to appear at the 1939-40 New York
World's Fair. When WWII broke out he
answered his native country's call to arms
and fought against the Allies. His capture
in 1944 as the "biggest Nazi" made all the
press throughout the U.S. He must have liked
the States, though, as in 1949 he sailed
here to take a job as "the world's largest
Santa Claus" and eventually became a
citizen. He was still finding work as the
world's tallest man in 1959 when he appeared
with Ripley's Odditorium on Broadway. Jakob
Nacken was 81 years old when he died -
somewhere in Europe.

'Giant Skeleton Discovered In Bulgaria'

Another giant human skeleton - copyright Glenn Boyle (Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows)
March 23, 2015 - A team of archaeologists have uncovered the skeletal remains of a giant in the Bulgarian city of Varna.
Report is Nonsense - Giant Skeleton Image is Fake
But, not surprisingly, the claims in the report are utter
nonsense. No such giant human skeleton has been found, in Bulgaria or
anywhere else.
The story is a work of fiction and the image is fake. The picture was
created by combining two unrelated images to make it appear that the
skeleton was gigantic.
The part of the image depicting the row of archaeologists has been extracted from a photograph of a dinosaur excavation and added into a photograph of a very old, but normal sized human skeleton.
SOURCE: Hoax - 'Giant Skeleton Discovered In Bulgaria'
Dinosaur tail fossil five metres long found in Mexico
23 July 2013
Archaeologists have discovered the rare remains of a dinosaur that walked on this planet 72 million years ago!
They have uncovered the tail which is a whopping five metres long.
Experts from the National Institute for Anthropology and History think
it was a hadrosaur, or a duck-billed dinosaur. The tail was the first
ever found in Mexico and is unusually well preserved. It will be
transferred to the city of General Cepeda for further investigation. - BBC News
Skeleton of a female warrior A few thousand years old!
Tabriz, Azarbayjan-e Sharqi, Iran
Skeleton of a female warrior A few thousand years old! - Tabriz, Azarbayjan-e Sharqi, Iran
by Babak Farrokhi - Taken on September 14, 2010 - Flickr
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