1: The
Eye - (1956) This is where it
all started; an autobiography
about a young man's journey into becoming a
medical Lama and undergoing
an operation to open the third eye. We are
shown a glimpse into the Tibetan
way of Lamasery life and the deep
understanding of spiritual knowledge.
Until this point in time lamasery life was
unknown, even to those few who
had actually visited Tibet. Lobsang joins
The Chakpori Lamasery and learns
the most secret of Tibetan esoteric sciences
and much more... AMAZON
2: Doctor
Lhasa - (1959) The story continues
with Lobsang living in Chungking,
China. Here he furthered his medical
studies; learns to fly a plane, getting
captured and tortured by the Japanese.
Lobsang spent much time living in
concentration camps as the medical officer
until the day he escaped. Lobsang
was one of the very few people to survive
the first atomic bomb dropped
on Hiroshima. Exercise in breathing to
improve ones well being. AMAZON |
3: The
Story - (1960) Rampa's journey
continues as Lobsang travels from
Korea into Russia, Europe and the USA,
finally ending up in England. Lobsang
endures capture and torture until he once
again, escapes by driving luxury
cars. In this book Lobsang inhabits
(transmigration) the body of an English
man (Cyril Henry Hoskins) eager to leave
this world, enabling Lobsang to
continue his special task. AMAZON |
4: The
of the Ancients - (1963) A
small glimpse into past
history of the earth and its inhabitants who
hid highly technical equipment
which to this day remains hidden. Lobsang
with his guide; the Lama Mingyar
Dondup, get's to visit where this technology
is hidden and sees with his
own eyes the wondrous equipment.
This technology is waiting
for those who can use it for the benefit of
mankind, that time is drawing
near... AMAZON
5: Living
the Lama - (1964) A book typed by
Lobsang but telepathically dictated
by one of his many cats; Fifi
Greywhiskers. Animals are not dumb
creatures as many humans think, we are ones
who are dumb in comparison
as all animals - with the exception of most
humans - can calk to each other
by simple telepathy. Fifi tell of her
life before meeting Lobsang
and they journeys they took
together... AMAZON
6: You
- (1965) The first of two
self-training books in metaphysics.
Finally, the truth! This book explains in
clear simple terms how to start
learning certain metaphysics and the dos and
don't in achieving that goal.
Astral travel, Telepathy, clairvoyance and
7: Wisdom
the Ancients - (1965) The second of
two self-training books in metaphysics.
In this book Lobsang explains the meaning or
many occult words in an understandable
format for Western People. More exercises on
breathing, stones, diets and
why you shouldn't exercise. AMAZON
8: The
Robe - (1966) Further insight
into Lobsang's life within
Lamahood and the origins of Buddhism - the
story of Gautama - and it's
noble truths. AMAZON
9: Chapters
Life - (1967) Lobsang
talks about dimensions,
Parallel worlds and prophecies. Lobsang also
answers questions about religion
and Christianity. AMAZON
10: Beyond
Tenth - (1969) This first
questions and answers book, he
provides advice and teaching on the care or
man's physical and spiritual
forms, the purpose of life, death,
reincarnation and UFOs. Some herbal
remedies for common ailments. Starting point
for those wishing to know
how to take real Aura pictures. AMAZON
11: Feeding
Flame - (1971) The first ten books was
trying to light the candle,
now we have to feed the flame of life. More
readers questions answered.
Absolute proof of reincarnation by quoting a
instance in history and explaining
that event in detail... AMAZON
12: The
- (1971) Lobsang meets a blind
hermit to further his learning
and discovers about the real people who
placed life of this earth who are
known as the 'Gardeners of the Earth' We are
not the only inhabited planet
in our; or any other, solar system and
galaxy. An true insight into Moses
& Jesus Christ who was, but a messenger.
13: The
Candle - (1972)
More of Lobsang's journey through life.
Lobsang talks in detail about homosexuality
including comments from a homosexual.
Breathing techniques. The Overself
explained in greater detail and quells the
misconception about 'Spiritual
Guides'. How to astral travel... AMAZON
14: Candlelight
(1973) In this book Lobsang tells us
about pendulums and how to use
them, Zodiacs. and he also transcribes a
previous meeting with the press,
arranged by his dear friend Alain Stanke.
More questions and answers to
many of life's mysteries...
15: Twilight
(1975) Lobsang explains astral travel
and it's levels. His move to
Calgary and more answers to life mysteries
and the biggest mystery of our
'Hollow Earth' in more detail. Dr. Rampa
Explains who to correctly use
Pendulums AMAZON
16: As
Was - (1976) As it was then - as it is
now - and what's to possible
come. Possible? - because all future
predictions are base on probabilities.
The 'Press' and their attitude and Disposing
of bodies Tibetan style. More
about Dr Rampa personal life and also the
real story about the life of
Cyril Henry Hoskins AMAZON
I Believe - (1977) In this
book Dr Rampa will tell of a
person who commits suicide and exactly what
happens and how they have to
repay the debt which can span many lives -
each time conditions getting
harder and harder - anyone contemplating
suicide should read this. God:
from different perspectives. Woman's
Liberation and where women went wrong.
18: Three
- (1977) The cycle of lives by three
very different people and
what they would perceive as death because of
their beliefs. We follow each
path and see how their journeys terminate at
the same place - albeit a
scenic route for some. The direct path is in
front yet; mankind continually
takes the scenic route. AMAZON
19: Tibetan
- (1980) The final book. Dr
Rampa recalls experiences with
his guide in the 'inner temple' the cave of
the ancients. How the world
started, how it going and the evils of
petroleum which is NOT a fossil
fuel. Lobsang's final words before departing
this world in January 1981
aged over a hundred years old.
Lives: Flights Into The Unknown (No
PDF) – September 25, 2012 OF BODY AND
book contains a lifetime of valuable
information on all aspects of the occult by
the one writer who has turned on millions of
individuals to the mystical side of life in
Tibet. T. Lobsang Rampa delves deep into the
magical realm of the human soul and its
immortality. He speaks of life on the other
side of the veil that so few know the TRUTH
about. This is a book that all students of
the Tibetan sage will come to cherish. It
contains information NOT found in any of his
other popular works. AMAZON
Multi Media
8Mb Wav file - Lobsang explains
meditation, something we should
be doing on a daily basis. Meditating taps
into the subconscious which
is a source of insurmountable knowledge. One
thing to remember it's NOT
possible to meditate in groups and you MUST
have a meditation robe to isolate
yourself from external influences. See
'Meditation' for more information. |
4Mb Wav file - Lobsang explains the
real power or prayers and
how to pray. Further information is in his
book called 'You Forever' I
have since discovered that Dr. Rampa wasn't
totally happy about this recording,
perhaps because of the wording 'Give'. The
western understanding of the
word 'Give' differs from the eastern. If you
replace the word 'Give' with
the word 'Grant' it's more acceptable in
western terms because you are
requesting 'Powers' and NOT demanding.
Remember; the teacher arrives only
when the student is ready, there is no
fast-track just because you demand
something. |
Mama san Ra'ab Rampa
1: Pussywillow
(1976) Life with Lobsang and the cats
which rule the roost. Ra-Ab tell
us of when Sindhi - a blind cat - jointed
the family and how Miss Ku-ei
was her guide until she knew the layouts of
the rooms by heart. Mr Monkey
joins the family. Valuable information about
understanding cats AMAZON
4: Flor
(1982) originally written in
Portuguese, but translated
here into English. It's original name was
Wild Brair. This is RA'AB's forth
book. |
Related Material
There are three other books which
have maliciously
used the name of T. Lobsang Rampa for monetary
they are all fakes. I will highlight
these books as
they can confuse - they are;
My Trip to Venus - This was never a
book, it was an atricle
written purely for a UFO magazine.
Cosmic Telepathy - This book was
not co-written by Dr.
Rampa. It's written by Tuella.
My Visit to Aghartha - This book
was not written by Dr.
Rampa. It was created by Gray Barker who used Dr.
Rampa's name without
his permission. Read Karen's book titled "Lobsang
Rampa New Age Trailblazer"
regarding the story about this evil book; evil as
it's totally misleading!
See Other Rampa books for more information. ~ Lee
1: Sheelagh
(2005) (LULU) (No PDF)
a new book titled '25 Years with Dr. T.
Lobsang Rampa'
This book completes any Rampa collection.
Sheelagh was known as 'Buttercup'
in his books. Sheelagh tells us about the time
she first met Dr. Rampa,
the struggles they all endured - especially
against the press who's only
interest is in selling newspapers at any cost
- even if it means printing
vile lies without letting those being
persecuted defend themselves in any
way. Their numerous travels - the sad sudden
death of feline Fifi - and
how she had to split company with Dr Rampa so
he could depart to the heavenly
fields. You can also discover the outcome of
Lobsang's personal predictions
for Sheelagh. This is NOT an autobiography of
Dr Rampa, it is a privileged
insight into their very private lives through
Sheelagh eye's. |
2: Karen
(2006) (No PDF) new book
titled 'Lobsang Rampa New
Age Trailblazer' offering a rare insight into
the life and works of Dr.
Rampa. Author Karen Mutton has done
exceptionally well here - in fighting
Lobsang's corner - telling us about the
continuously persecution of the
press that Lobsang and his family endured and
conformation by other academics
which corroborates Lobsang's books, with the
outcome of his many predictions
- we who loved his work never disbelieved what
he wrote or said, sadly
many did and still do. Click the image of the
book to purchase your copy
of this really informative paperback book for
only $19.95 AMAZON
Mutton's WEBSITE
3: Grace,
the World of Rampa (LULU)
(No PDF) After publishing her memories
about twenty-five years beside Lobsang Rampa
this is a continuation of that story. A
marvellous essay in which Sheelagh Rouse
offers further insight into the very private
life of Dr Rampa and his very clear views on
helping others. Buttercup also clarifies once
and for all the many scandalous rumours that
have circulated over the years regarding Dr
Rampa. A ‘must read’ for everyone.
1: My
Trip to Venus This
was never published as a book, but as an
article for a UFO Magazine...
This book should not have been published
really, but I am prepared
to believe that you published in good faith
under the assumption that I
was in South America and so not available.To
regularise your position I
suggest this; you make two alterations as
requested by me, and I will give
you permission to publish and sell the
book. I will not take royalties
on this book, “My Visit to Venus,” but
instead you can send ten per cent
of your profits to The Save A Cat League of
245 West 25th Street,
New York City, because poor little cats have
a miserable time in this hard
world. TL
Rampa (Letter)
Rampa's been hi-jacked, 26 Aug 2003
By "richardfweaver" - See all my
I am sure,all T Lobsang Rampa reader's
will no doubt find this book
very hard to except.There are too many
anomalies to the book for it to
be genuine and when Madam Blavatsky is
mentioned I think the culprit could
very well be the Theasophical Society.
The journey they go on to get to
"Agharta"is so bazaar and far fetched
that nobody could believe it, the sad thing
is that the second half of
the book is genuine.Definite excerpts of his
books have been used to compleat
the book and make it look authentic.Don't be
fooled by this attempt to copy
Rampa, he died on Jan 25 1981 and he told us
all there will be no more from
him, not even new found manuscripts and for
the record, he published nineteen
books not twelve as this latest book tells
us.Please mr publisher lets
have them all reprinted, mine are getting a
bit tatty.