Dr Tuesday Lobsang Rampa
Dr T Lobsang Rampa's Mission
My Visit to Venus

Yahoo Groups
Rampa List
This is the first and oldest Lobsang Rampa discussion group on the web. The list is intended for the discussion of the esoteric topics and principles of occult science to which Dr. Rampa devoted his life. The discussion on this list is intended for those who are avidly working at the development and application of the psychic abilities taught therein.

Rampa List 2
A place for discussion of books by Lobsang Rampa, as well as links to many different religious ideas and thoughts. Everyone on a spiritual path is welcome to come share with no judgement or debate.

Dr Tuesday Lobsang Rampa
Welcome. This improved website has been primarily constructed for those who hold in the highest regard the teachings of Dr. Tuesday Lobsang Rampa and any newcomers who wish to undertake the spiritual adventure of a life time.

Who Was Lobsang Rampa - Karen Mutton
Tuesday Lobsang Rampa was one of the most controversial writers of the twentieth century. He claimed to be a transmigrated Tibetan lama with extraordinary psychic powers. His critics claimed that he was Cyril Hoskin, an English plumber who had perpetrated one of the greatest literary hoaxes of all time. 

Lobsang Rampa Net
Welcome! This website is dedicated to spreading the knowledge and practice of spiritual values which will help us as individuals and humanity as a whole, to progress - to improve ourselves and our world. Our world-wide mail group has been formed through a common interest in the buddhist teachings and spiritual and esoteric matters taught and discussed in the books of Dr. Tuesday Lobsang Rampa.

Galactic Norway
Norse sight with English pages.

Short Tibetan History
The Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama


All of T Lobsang Rampa's Books are available in PDF Adobe format here.

All of T Lobsang Rampa's Books are available in PDF Adobe format here.

All of T Lobsang Rampa's Books are available in DOC  format here.

~ MENU ~

The translation on the Tibetan prayer wheel shown above is
'Om! mani padme Hum!' that actually means 'Hail to Man's Overself!'
- man as in mankind - 
the part of you that you should be praying to, via your  subconscious.