China National Space Administration
Shenzhou 7 EVA
Menu - China Fakes Reports From Space:

China Fakes Reports From Space
 Photo: AP 
The message from the Chinese astronauts was released before the mission had set off 

The Telegraph UK
8:24PM BST 26 Sep 2008

China's state news agency published a despatch from the country's three latest astronauts describing their first night in space before they had even left Earth.

The Xinhua agency, which has sometimes been accused of carrying state propaganda, took down the story and blamed it on a "technical error".

The article described the Shenzhou VII space craft orbiting the Earth and outlined a conversation between the astronauts.

"First-level measurment arrangement," said one taikonaut - the Chinese word for astronaut.

The article later described the reaction to a successful outcome of the mission. "Ten minutes later, the ship disappears below the horizon. Warm clapping and excited cheering breaks the night sky, echoing across the silent Pacific Ocean."

China's most ambitious manned space mission blasted off intent on providing the country's first ever spacewalk.

The latest test of Project 921, as its race into space is known, is the climax of China's defining year as an emerging superpower, coming on top of its hosting of the Olympic Games.

But its Asian rivals Japan and India are also stepping up their space programmes, to say nothing of America's own revived plans to return to the moon.

Next month India will launch Chandrayaan-1, an unmanned space module designed to map the resources of the moon and undertake an intense search for water on its surface.

It will also execute environmental studies and measure radioactivity on the lunar surface, officials said, looking for traces of radon, uranium and thorium.

The Shenzhou VII, by contrast, China's third manned mission, will conduct few scientific experiments and is largely meant to build the technical know-how eventually to build a space station and even put a man on the moon. 

SOURCE: The Telegraph

China space mission article hits Web before launch

China space mission article hits Web before launch
Sep 25, 2008

BEIJING (AP) — A news story describing a successful launch of China's long-awaited space mission and including detailed dialogue between astronauts launched on the Internet Thursday, hours before the rocket had even left the ground.

The country's official news agency Xinhua posted the article on its Web site Thursday, and remained there for much of the day before it was taken down.

A staffer from the Web site who answered the phone Thursday said the posting of the article was a "technical error" by a technician. The staffer refused to give his name as is common among Chinese officials.

The Shenzhou 7 mission, which will feature China's first-ever spacewalk, ended up launching Thursday from Jiuquan in northwestern China late in the evening.

The article, dated two days from now on Sept. 27, vividly described the rocket in flight, complete with a sharply detailed dialogue between the three astronauts.

Excerpts are below:

"After this order, signal lights all were switched on, various data show up on rows of screens, hundreds of technicians staring at the screens, without missing any slightest changes ...

'One minute to go!'

'Changjiang No.1 found the target!'...

"The firm voice of the controller broke the silence of the whole ship. Now, the target is captured 12 seconds ahead of the predicted time ...

'The air pressure in the cabin is normal!'

"Ten minutes later, the ship disappears below the horizon. Warm clapping and excited cheering breaks the night sky, echoing across the silent Pacific Ocean."

SOURCE: Associated Press

Spacewalk PT4
Youtube Link

In the video above, watch carefully at 1:05 on the Astronaut on the right. You will see a bubble travel over his visor and move up, picking up speed. Further on we have screen captures of this. Considering the recent scandal with the Bejing Olympics where the little girl singer was replaced with a 'prettier' face for the cameras, and the faked CGI fireworks in the ceremonies... the motives behind faking such an event are indeed a mystery.

Related Links:
  • ATS Threads
  • Associated Press
  • BBC News
  • Bloomberg
  • Epoch Times
  • Examiner - Miami 
  • Herald Sun
  • Space Daily
  • Telegraph
  • The Australian
  • Wikipedia
    • Shenzhou 1 - It was announced in June 1999 that the flight would take place in October of that year. At about the same time images were released on a Chinese military internet forum of the Long March 2F launcher and the Vehicle Assembly Building that would be used. After a reported propellant explosion at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center (though the explosion was denied by Chinese officials) the launch was pushed back.
    • Shenzhou 2: - The Swedish Space Center news site reported that an unnamed source said one of the connections from the capsule to the single parachute failed leading to a hard landing.
    • Shenzhou 3 - A day after launch China Central Television broadcast an artist impression of the spacecraft in orbit. Of interest was that the front of the orbital module appeared to have been equipped with three seven element log-periodic antennae. It is thought that it was designed for a frequency range of 300-1000 MHz. Also shown was an animation of the orbital module after it had separated from the rest of the spacecraft. Three booms were extended from the front package, one left, another right and the third forward. It is speculated that this could have been some sort of ELINT package.
    • Shenzhou 4 - The reentry module landed safely on about 40 km from Hohhot in Inner Mongolia. As with previous flights, the command for reentry to begin was given by a tracking ship off the coast of South Africa. It was thought before the flight that the Chinese could attempt a water landing to test the emergency system but this did not eventuate. The orbital module remained in orbit until September 9, 2003.
    • Shenzhou 5 - Neither the launch nor the reentry was televised live, and it is widely believed that it was due to government fears that a disaster could create an embarrassment, but the time of both launch and reentry had been widely announced beforehand, and news appeared on Chinese Central Television within minutes after both events
    • Shenzhou 6 - Controversy: Following the questionable landings of both Shenzhou 2 and Shenzhou 5, an unofficial controversy was started after diffusion of official images of the upper part of the capsule presenting a large and mysterious 20 cm diameter hole.
    • Shenzhou 7 - Controversies: False news report - A false news article appeared on Xinhua News Agency's website on 25 September 2008, reporting mission events dated 27 September 2008; the article was reported in several mainstream news sources.The report described in detail the launch, which had not yet occurred, as well as the process of tracking and data transfer by a tracking ship, and dialogue between the crew members in space. The report was taken down the same day, and when contacted by the Associated Press, a staffer stated that it had been a "technical error by a technician."

China space mission takes off
Thursday, 25 September 2008

BBC News: Video of the launch of Shenzhou VII

China has successfully launched its third manned space mission, which is to feature the country's first spacewalk. The Shenzhou VII spacecraft blasted off from the Jiuquan spaceport in the northwest of China. The three-man crew is led by 42-year-old fighter pilot Zhai Zhigang, who will be undertaking the spacewalk. - BBC

Watch the film in the beginning closeup. This is so obviously a model one wonders why they did this. After the last issues with the image from Chang-e 1 Lunar Orbiter where the only released image immediately had world wide cries of fake with China scrabbling to say it wasn't, only to be shown for sloppy editing at best, you would think China would care more about international public opinion?

Chinese astronaut walks in space
Saturday, 27 September 2008

BBC News: Chinese astronaut walks in space

A Chinese astronaut has become the first in his country's history to take a walk in space. In an operation broadcast live on national TV, fighter pilot Zhai Zhigang emerged from the capsule orbiting the Earth to wave a Chinese flag. James Reynolds reports.

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
Posted on ATS 27-9-2008 Post ID 5038334

I know someone personally, who works for USAF Space Command and who sits behind a wall of monitors all day long....and well, monitors "things" 

Anyways, he told me yesterday, because we were discussing this very topic, that as of yesterday - Friday - China has NOT launched anything recently.  He would know,  as part of his job.

Now grant it, I can not provide any proof....but there are respected people here who know me, and can probably vouch me and my resource.

So, I guess you can take this for what its worth to you 

With that said. Based on what I know, and am reading here.  I do not believe they are up in space right now 

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
Posted on ATS 27-9-2008 Post ID 5044516

[in reply to spacebot] 
I have thought about it - perhaps more than you judging by this post.
The U.S. government has for quite awhile been "walking on egg shells" vis a vis the Chinese - which would easily explain why publicizing what NORAD didn't see regarding the chinese "launch" isn't all over the news...

Again, this is just my word you have to take or not take, based on someone I personally know who monitors this stuff... China did not launch anything into space this past week.  We have satellites and people sitting behind tons of screens - think about the movie "war games", who monitor all of this.  China can NOT launch anything without the US knowing. As of Friday, it is still sitting on the pad.

I will try and find out more tomorrow when he goes back into work - to verify again. As long as something is not classified, I can find out.   I did ask if it was OK for me to post this, and I was told yes.

Why isn't it all over the news? Because its not a huge headline story like uh, the economy is right now.  The "west" is WAY more concerned about our economy and who will be president then the Chinese trying to hoax everyone.

The following letter is from a 'contact' in Australia who watches China...


Those Chinese rockets do look a bit strange at the best of times, and I agree, that one did look model like. I first saw it on a high definition TV and I immediately thought it looked like a plastic model. All shiny with nothing, apart from the model like tower near it. There was something most unusual about it, and at first I thought it was an ad for a toy. Also the engine start did not look real. Only at altitude did the rocket exhaust look real, and that could have been added on. Indeed it could have been a model, and the so called 'space walk' looked odd too. Also check out that little flag.Should it have rippled like that in a vacuum? I don't think so. The reports also suggest there was a delay, particularly as their news agency published a script before they even took off! What an idiot thing to do. 

If your contact is right, then obviously they faked it. I would certainly like to know what was launched on the Sunday. Maybe the entire thing was a cover for something really important. Knowing the Chinese as I do, they like to do everything behind a fan or a screen. All the space walk stuff may have been a diversion from the real mission.

If you hear anything further about this, please let me know.

Chinese Taikonauts Space Walk [Live Video] 
China in Space [Shenzhou 7 EVA]
Youtube Link

Of particular interest in this video is the scene beginning at 1:00 where the taikonaut is fussing with the safety tether. It keeps 'floating up' getting in his way. He keeps pushing it back down but it keeps floating up. Since objects in space continue moving in the direction they are pushed in, what is causing the tether to float back up again?

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
Posted on ATS 27-9-2008 Post ID 5044632

Well, here is an update on the "China trip and spacewalk"...hmmmm:

Chinese Astronauts Safely Return to Earth After First Spacewalk 

By Wing-Gar Cheng
September 28, 2008 07:40 EDT

Sept. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Astronauts from China's third manned space mission returned safely to Earth after a 68-hour journey that included the nation's first spacewalk by Zhai Zhigang. 

The Shenzhou VII capsule, crewed by Zhai, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng, landed in central Inner Mongolia at 5.37 p.m. today. It was shown live on state-owned China Central Television. The astronauts launched Sept. 25 from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern Gansu. 

``It was a glorious mission,'' Zhai said on state TV, after emerging from the landing capsule. ``I'm proud of my motherland.'' 
China is the third nation after the U.S. and former Soviet Union to send an astronaut on a spacewalk. The nation's latest space mission is part of a program to put a Chinese national on the moon by 2020.

CCTV also showed live coverage of Zhai's spacewalk yesterday, detailing every move as he emerged through a hatch in Shenzhou VII. He wore a $4.4 million, 120-kilogram (265 pound) Feitian (``Flying the Sky'' in Mandarin) suit and remained outside the craft for less than 20 minutes.

The ability to maneuver and work outside a spacecraft is essential to China's goal of building a permanent space station.

``The success of the Shenzhou VII mission is an important milestone for China's space program,'' Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said on state television, after witnessing the landing at mission control in Beijing. ``Your historical feat will be remembered by the country and the people.''

Space Station Bid

China's first manned space mission came five years ago with astronaut Yang Liwei in the Shenzhou V. He was followed in October 2005 by astronauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng.

China said last year it wants to become the 17th member of the International Space Station program, which includes the U.S., Canada and nations in the European Space Agency.

The then-Soviet Union made the first manned spaceflight in April 1961, with cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbiting aboard Vostok 1. John Glenn, who went on to become a U.S. senator, completed the first U.S. orbital mission in February 1962.

The Soviets' Alexei Leonov made the first spacewalk on March 18, 1965. Less than three months later, on June 3, astronaut Ed White completed the first U.S. spacewalk.

The 23-minute walk, or extravehicular activity in the terminology of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, was not long enough for White, who later said ending the walk was the ``saddest moment'' of his life, according to NASA's Web site.

To contact the reporter on this story: Wing-Gar Cheng in Beijing at

SOURCE: Bloomberg

So, now the mission is to find out;
1. Was there a landing in Mongolia- from space 
2. Is there any footage of this landing that can be found  and 
3.  Where the heck are all the images of space - REAL [new] images, not CGI 

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
Posted on ATS 27-9-2008 Post ID 5046409

Ok. I have some links to share. I still do not believe that this event happened, but its only fair to provide all that is available for everyone to make up their own mind. 

The source of this information is China:

SHENZHOU-7 can be found in the following categories: 
Space & Earth Science 
NORAD ID: 33386 
Int'l Code: 2008-047A 
Perigee: 336.3 km 
Apogee: 343.5 km 
Inclination: 42.4° 
Period: 91.2 min 
Launch date: September 25, 2008 
Source: People's Republic of China (PRC)
Comments: China successfully launched its third manned spacecraft on Thursday with three astronauts on board to attempt the country's first-ever space walk. The spaceship Shenzhou-7 blasted off on a Long March II-F carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the northwestern Gansu Province at 9:10 p.m. after a breathtaking countdown to another milestone on China's space journey. Onboard pilots Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng are expected to orbit the earth for three days, when one of them will float out of the cabin about 343 kilometers above the earth. When they make it, China will become the third country in the world who is able to conduct extravehicular activity (EVA) in space following the former Soviet Union and the United States. 


Shenzhou 7
NSSDC ID: 2008-047A


Shenzhou 7 is a Chinese (PRC) manned satellite that was launched by a Long March 2F rocket from Jiquan (in Gansu Province) at 13:10 UT on 25 September 2008. The 2.8 m diameter, and 9.5 m high craft carried three astronauts for a three day mission in a return capsule. One of the astronauts made a brief spacewalk mainly to test the space suit. (That space suit was named Feitian, after the goddess who could fly.) The mission and the spacewalk are reported as an imminent precursor to building a space station in 2010. The capsule (2008-047H) returned, with all three astronauts, safely on the central part of Inner Mongolia on 29 September.

SOURCE: NASA Master Catalog

China's space capsule lands safely

SOURCE: Reuters

(00:44) Rough Cut
Sep 28 - The Shenzhou VII space capsule has returned to Earth after a successful mission orbiting the planet.

The mission is seen as a key step in China's ambitious space programme. There are plans to build an orbiting space station in the next few years. The highlight of the mission was a 15 minute spacewalk where astronaut Zhai Zhigang emerged from the capsule to wave a Chinese flag. 

The Shenzhou VII landed around 5:40 p.m (0940 GMT) on the steppes of northern Inner Mongolia region with the images broadcast live on national TV.

China's Space Walk Was FAKE
Bubbles on Helmet


Youtube Link

From Bbenbb
October 11, 2008

Original footage from CCTV is unedited, showing bubbles, verbal slips, and other evidence that China's launch into outer space was a fraud. It was filmed in a pool, a neutral buoyancy laboratory.

Music by Vangelis "Conquest Of Paradise"

As Controversial as the Olympics?
Fake Mission Coverage, News Boycott of Chinese Space Launch
China launches third manned space flight

As Controversial as the Olympics? Fake Mission Coverage, News Boycott of Chinese Space Launch
September 25, 10:35 AM
by Patricia Phillips, Space News Examiner

Three taikonauts are orbiting Earth today after China successfully launched its third manned spaceflight mission from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Gansu province. Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming, and Jing Haipeng, all fighter pilots, and their Shezhou 7 spacecraft roared into space aboard the Long March 2F rocket.

But even before the launch got off the ground, controversy erupted. Olympics style, part of the Chinese presentation scored an "F" for fake as the Associated Press discovered complete launch and in-flight coverage provided at Xinhau before liftoff ever happened.

    "First-level measurement arrangement!"

    After this order, signal lights all were switched on, various data show up on rows of screens, hundreds of technicians staring at the screens, without missing any slightest changes ...

    "One minute to go!"

    "Changjiang No.1 found the target!"...

    The firm voice of the controller broke the silence of the whole ship. Now, the target is captured 12 seconds ahead of the predicted time ...

    "The air pressure in the cabin is normal!"

    "Ten minutes later, the ship disappears below the horizon. Warm clapping and excited cheering breaks the night sky, echoing across the silent Pacific Ocean."

The "in-flight report" disappeared after the AP discovery. Chinese officials only cited "technical" difficulties. Kind of like the technical difficulties with Chinese athletes and age documentation, we're guessing.

Over at Space and Astronautics News, the editor declared a boycott on covering Chinese space missions:

    I will not cover it or any other Chinese mission. Period. Reasons include the way the Chinese government treats its own people (and those of other countries); their blatant disregard for the safety of other spacefarers; the official persecution of Christians in China; the mandatory abortion policy, their overuse of the death penalty; Chinese actions against Tibetan citizens; China’s terrible record on human rights; the fact that China is causing more environmental damage to our planet than any other country, plus the often highly dangerous or unreliable goods they export - oh, and they’re communists - that last one is sufficient on its own.

    But what initially triggered the ban, what remains the prime reason for boycotting the Shenzou program, and the factor which has most affected me personally, was seeing St Bernards and other dogs who look like Servus the World Trade Center rescue dog being farmed for consumption in public restaurants in China. It has caused me to experience a level of anger transcending rage and which filters into a calm determination to deny those people the oxygen of publicity and to never, never, never cover their space program, not even if they land on the Moon.

    Space and Astronautics News is ranked in the top ~7 percent of the entire Internet, according to Alexa, and has been world no.1 on Google for ‘astronautics news’ since 2005, and I don’t need Shenzou to stay there - so if you want to read about Shenzou go to People’s Daily or some other communist trash - you’ll never hear about it from me. David

And, reliably enough, over at NASA Watch, Keith Cowing uses the not-quite-real space coverage as a springboard to chide NASA, tsk tsk'ing their public affairs for not publishing fake space coverage.

    NASA PAO often struggles to keep pace with events. But in China they have found a way to be days ahead of events. Can NASA PAO ever catch up with this latest Chinese accomplishment?

Meanwhile, NASA's officially wished the three space farers well. Me, too - and I hope the Chinese government treats them and space workers better than they treat everyday citizens, the citizens of Tibet, and oh yes, those afflicted by the continuing scandals with poisoned Chinese products including medicine, pet food, toys, and this time, milk powder.

SOURCE: Examiner Miami

 Photo: AP 
Confirmed Discrepancies in CCTV’s Live Broadcast of Shenzhou VII Launch
By Shi Yu
Epoch Times Staff
Oct 19, 2008

CCTV ran a live broadcast of the Shenzhou VII spacecraft launch to mark the second phase of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s Project 921 at the end of September. This video footage, however, contains many unexplainable physical phenomena. These anomalies from the broadcast, which include bubbles in space, no evidence of the earth’s atmosphere, and the lack of background noise usually hear in space communication, call into question the legitimacy of the mission itself. Upon analyzing this footage, some even suspect the live broadcast was a fraud that employed an analogue video taken under water to simulate conditions in space.

Hoping to understand these anomalies, The Epoch Times contacted Chinese expert Dr. Qu Zheng, who worked at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, to scientifically analyze the video discrepancies of the spacewalk broadcast.

Reporter: Dr. Qu Zheng, there have been concerns raised about the live broadcast of the CCP Shenzhou VII Spacecraft launch? What’s your view on this?

Qu Zheng: I have seen it all. My research is related to the launch of this spacecraft so I have been watching it very closely. In addition, since I am Chinese, anything happening in China—especially things related to my field of research—grabs even more of my attention.

Personally, although I know the CCP regime has a history of fraudulent activity, where they often do things for political gain, when I saw these discrepancies, I didn’t want to believe them—I wanted the live broadcast to be true. If this video which was broadcasted to the whole world is a fraud, not only will this make the Chinese people lose face in front of the whole world, I will personally not be able to hold my head up in front of my colleagues.

SOURCE: Epoch Times

 Photo: AP 
Chinese Space Walk Filmed in Water, Say Chinese Bloggers
By Zhang Haishan and Shi Yu
Epoch Times Staff
Oct 7, 2008

Virtually every eyeball in China was on the launch of Chinese spacecraft Shenzhou VII, just as the Chinese regime wanted. But among those eyeballs were many observant ones—maybe too observant for the Chinese Communist Party’s liking.

Chinese state-run media called the Shenzhou VII mission “a historic moment.” However, online bloggers have pointed out physics-defying phenomena in the news footage of its space walk that suggest the whole operation was filmed not in space, but under water.

As soon as China Central Television (CCTV) broadcast “live” footage of astronauts conducting operations aboard Shenzhou VII on Sept.27, the broadcast was met with skepticism and ridicule among many in the online community in China.

SOURCE: Epoch Times

China cooks up flight of fancy

China cooks up flight of fancy
Article from: Herald Sun
September 27, 2008 12:00am

SPACE cadet China has been caught faking details from its latest mission.

China cooks up flight of fancyState news agency Xinhua published a dispatch from the country's three newest astronauts describing their first night in space - before they had even left Earth.

Thursday's report said the Shenzhou capsule, only China's third mission into space, had been successfully tracked flying over the Pacific Ocean, even though the rocket was still on the launch pad.

The story, dated September 27, was written from one of the numerous tracking ships that China's space program dispatches around the world to track space flights.

It described in a vivid, blow-by-blow account how the tracking ship was receiving signals from the space craft.

"Changjiang Number One has acquired the target," a tracker was quoted as saying.

"Pressure in the cabin is normal. Oxygen pressure in the cabin is normal."

Xinhua took down the story yesterday, blaming it on a technical error.

Late on Thursday night, the Shenzhou VII was launched from the Jiuquan satellite launch centre in northwest China on a mission that is to include the nation's first space walk.

According to Xinhua last night, China's three astronauts spent their first day in orbit spoilt with a spicy 80-dish menu as they prepared for the space walk.

"We have tried to make them taste like stir-fried dishes they have on Earth," said Chen Bin, in charge of astronaut food.

SOURCE: Herald Sun Australia

China to launch space-walk mission

China to launch space-walk mission
Article from: The Australian
September 24, 2008

BEIJING: China this week launches its most ambitious space mission yet, a sign of rising confidence as Beijing cements its status as a space power and potential competitor with the US.

The Shenzhou 7 mission, to launch as early as tomorrow, will be the first to carry a full complement of three astronauts, one of whom will perform China's first space walk, or EVA, for "extra-vehicular activity". It is China's third manned mission.

The manoeuvre will help China master docking techniques needed for the construction of a space station, probably to be achieved initially by joining one Shenzhou orbiter to another.

The mission launches from the Jiuquan launch site in northwestern China. Lead astronaut Zhai Zhigang is expected to carry out the 40-minute spacewalk, which China will broadcast live.

"Shenzhou 7 is an incremental but important step forward," said Joan Johnson-Freese, an expert on the Chinese space program at the US Naval War College in Rhode Island.

China's communist leaders face few of the public doubts or budgetary pressures constraining such programs elsewhere. This has allowed them to fuse political will and scientific gusto in a process that could one day result in Chinese astronauts landing on the moon.

Chinese space programs were methodically moving forward in a "very deliberate, graduated" manner, said Charles Vick, a space analyst for the Washington think tank

Goals are believed to include an unmanned moon landing in 2012, a mission to return samples in 2015 and possibly a manned lunar mission by 2017, three years ahead of the US target date for returning to the moon.

First, Chinese scientists need to put the final touches on the new generation Long March 5 rocket, capable of launching 25-tonne components for a space station or future lunar missions.

China has relied heavily on homegrown technology, partly out of necessity, because it has trouble obtaining such technology abroad as a result of US and European bans.

Veteran chief designer Qi Faren said China's systems, while basic, had been designed for safety and reliability. "What we're proud of is that, although we're not the best, it's our own and it's very Chinese," Mr Qi said in an interview published in Monday's Beijing News.


SOURCE: The Australian

China's Shenzhou 5
Credit: AAxanderr
Long March 2F Carrier Rocket - Shenzhou 5
Shenzhou 5 Mission Patch
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