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in Conjunction with Pegasus Research Consortium presents: The Navy's Secrets |
Naval Space Command A Little Background: Zorgon: Back in 2006 I came across Above Top Secret forum while I was doing a search for material related to Star Gates... I have been researching Ancient Aliens and 'Gateways to the Gods" portals since I first saw Erich von Däniken in a debate on the Pierre Burten Show back in Toronto in 1974. ("The gods from outer space theory is a fantasy" Ruth Tringham Erich von Däniken 14 March 1974 ) Erich von Däniken wrote "Chariots of the Gods" and can be considered the grandfather of Ancient Alien theory. The debate went well, Erich remained calm while the 'archaeologist' resorted to adhomina attacks. I never got into the UFO circuit, doing my research mostly for myself... I had been an Apollo hugger and wanted to be an Astronaut at that time and started looking into UFO's and other paranormal phenomena and that debate give me a kickstart into this realm. Ship forward to 2006. I was discussing portals with an artist friend and member of our Renaissance group, when her daughter bounced into the kitchen and just tossed a comment into the mix, then bounce back upstairs. The comment was "All my friends at school think that the TV show Stargate SG1 is showing what is really going on" [paraphrased]. Well I was stunned... and when I got home that day I looked online for anything related to Stargates being real. What I found was a thread at ATS by Beth Vegh (Undo) called "The Stargates are Real" That is still one of ATS's best threads and was long running. Since then the term "Stargates are Real" has been used by many others on the net. Well naturally I hopped on and while on ATS I ran into John Lear and his theories. Discovering that I lived in Las Vegas as well, John invited me over and the rest as they say is history. Pegasus Research Consortium, and The Lining Moon website were created mostly as a think tank and storage medium for all the related research, but has since grown to be an entity on it's own. John at the time was heavily promoting his secret space program and I came along to actually find the links and backup documents... which lead me to create the thread "NAVY Space Command Uncovered" Even thoutgh we were both finally banned from ATS (for me I spent 6 years posting and was #5 poster) ATS still uses my thread to promote their website as one of the best threads ever.... The thread has since been copied and plagerized, with most barely giving credit and having the audacity to hot link to my material. One even took full credit for the work and said she was going to write a book. (that was stopped by some friends of pegasus before I even was aware of the case) I did not get into this for fame, glory or to get rich (though a liitel credit were due is always appreciated and we do have bills to pay after all to maintain the sites). I got into it because it was a personal quest for information... and to that end since I met john the phonecalls and emails have been awesome... you would be amazed at some of the names and places on my list. So to sum up... I started the Space Command thread with all the info we had gathered and could back up with official sources.... It's far from complete... but I will be filling in the blanks shortly. I full expected to be sanctioned or get a 'visit' from the MIB. but the opposite happened and I will get into that as we go. Oddly enough at that same time... a chap who was one of the biggest skeptics and debunkers on ATS and one that gave John a hard time, Weed Wacker, sent me a video. His aim was to prove a point that John was making wrong... but what happened was that he gave me the EXACT proof I needed so I used that as the opening of the thread :D. He sent that to me via email... a little dragging his tail between his legs... but in fairness he DID send it to me... and found himself shocked at the revalation. It was the first time I had ever seen the actual emblem.... You can also discuss this with us at our own forum. We are always looking to add more information. NAVY Space Command - Pegasus Forum Here is my opening post at ATS... |
Zorgon posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 02:48 AM link NAVY Space Command Uncovered Naval Space Command A Pegasus Presentation Opening Statement Note: This will be a large post and will take me some time to transfer all the material and check links and errors so please hold off posting until I am done, thanks Also for the squeamish I will add this Alert... most of the links that are not on my site are .MIL links, so don't say I didn't warn you Many of you know that for years John and I have insisted on there being a secret astronaut program. We have taken the abuse all these years but today its time to present a case for this. It is our contention that the US NAVY is in charge despite the existence of the USAF Space Command, just like in Star Trek it is the NAVY that commands the space fleet... Gary McKinnon's claim to 'fame' is NOT that he found UFO's or UFO 'free energy' technology, his only claim is he saw a picture of one of those space fleet ships... and found a list of 'non terrestrial' officers... these were NOT ET, but billets in space by OUR armed forces... [I will get more into this further on] So lets begin our journey... As this is a huge work in progress for me please forgive if I jump around a little at first trying to put this in order... I will start with something that Weed Wacker sent me. Now Weed Wacker is a skeptic most times, and I hope I don't embarrass him (to much) with this. What he sent was a movie on Orbital Mechanics... a basic nice production for beginners. However what is important in this video is the few seconds of the opening credits... which was why he thought of me, with jaw dragging on the ground... The Movie Space Flight: Application of Orbital Mechanics AVA18245VNB1 - 1994 In the opening credits we see that the Naval Space Command is listed ABOVE NASA. This video was brought to my attention by Weed Wacker, a member of ATS. Normally a stanch skeptic, he was linked this video to debunk a topic... but when he saw the opening credits and was shocked... so he sent it to me. It's these little tidbits that piece together a puzzle and let us see the whole picture. Although we have been saying for years that the US NAVY runs the real space program and NASA is just a pretty front for the public, until I saw this film neither I or my team have run across this emblem before (see below) This video details planetary motion or orbital mechanics. It explains Kepler's and Newton's Laws plus terminology including perigee, apogee, eccentricity, orbital inclination, launch window, etc. Now this video while great for teaching beginners the accepted version of orbital mechanics, while good, gives us something more...
Naval Space Command
The following links are all related directly to the US NAVY Space Program. Notice: Most of the links
will lead to a .mil website at some point. As such some of them will
work outside the USA. You may also experience "Certificate
Warnings" Do not be afraid... go ahead and accept them, just be
aware that they will be tracking your activity and don't do anything
stupid. All the information provide is unclassified and is
available in the public domain, though it's not easy to find. This is a
work in progress and if anyone reading this has any more data to share
please email me at Webmaster
Space Command General Kevin P. Chilton Commander, Air Force Space Command "The establishment of Space Command is a crucial milestone
Naval Space Command Beginning in the mid-1980s, concurrent with the development of space operations and space engineering curricula at the Naval Postgraduate School, the Navy began “coding” officers as space subspecialists. As space subspecialty codes were then assigned to particular officers’ billets on numbered Fleet staffs and at commands ashore, the service began assigning Navy members with matching codes to those positions. More recently, the Navy has begun efforts to build a cadre of “space smart” officers, enlisted personnel and civilian employees. The Naval Space Cadre is composed of active-duty and reserve Navy and Marine Corps officers and enlisted personnel, along with Navy civilian employees from a wide range of career fields who meet mandatory education, training and experience standards established for a particular certification level. The Navy Space Cadre is a distinct body of expertise horizontally and vertically integrated within Navy and Marine Corps active duty, reserves and civilian employee communities organized to operationalize space Initial identification of the cadre began in mid-2001 with the standup of the Naval Space Cadre Working Group and culminated in a naval message (NAVADMIN 201/03 DTG211435Z JUL 03) announcing the first 700 officer members of the cadre. These officers were identified by the subspecialty codes of 6206, Space Systems Operations, and 5500, Space Systems Engineering or by the additional qualification designator of VS1, VS2, VS3 or VS4. Identification of enlisted and civilian cadre members is more challenging, as these groups do not have specif?ic space identifiers like the officers do. Approximately 265 billets are currently identified as space billets. These jobs are in Navy, joint and National Security Space organizations. Space cadre members are currently assigned throughout the National Security Space arena, including the National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Space Architect, National Security Space Integration, MILSATCOM Joint Program Office, as well as in all Navy organizations that deal with space. High Frontier
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