John Lear's Files
The Navy's Secrets
NUWC Naval Underwater Warfare Center
Hawtorne Nevada Division
Entrance at Malibu?

Looking at the recent update on Google Earth, there is a new Anomaly just off the coast of Malibu. Discovery is claimed by "Fade to Black" radio host Jimmy Church and was recently covered by Lee Speigel, writer for the Huffington Post:
The Truth Behind The Malibu Underwater 'Alien Base'
Posted: 06/19/2014 9:27 am EDT Updated: 06/19/2014 3:59 pm EDT

We naturally checked Google Earth to verify this finding and it is indeed there. Below is a collection of Google Earth captures starting with the relation of this entrance to the NAVAL base on San Nicolas Island. Even on this level zoom the anomaly stands out as a paler blue rectangle
San Nicolas Island Naval Base is a straight line to the Malibu Anomaly

Malibu Anomaly - the pale blue rectangular area with the flat top oval

Malibu Anomaly - in this view you can clear see that this is either artificial or an overlay

Malibu Anomaly - Tilted view.. below I have included Jimmy Church's scans that have been
brightened and show the under sea view point

Malibu Anomaly - A few key points to look at The symmetrical vents and the area to the left look artificial
Discovery is claimed by "Fade to Black" radio host Jimmy Church The following scans were created by him. The only change to the images is brightening to better see the details, but anyone can see the original on Google Earth

Malibu Anomaly - Clearly stands out from the surrounding terrain

Malibu Anomaly - Set of slides side view

Malibu Anomaly - Shows pillars

Malibu Anomaly -Underwater view. clearly shows the pillars are uniform with a large gap in the center.
Also the clear unobstructed approach

Malibu Anomaly - Other vantage point showing the symmetrical vents and the overlays (lower right)

Malibu Anomaly -View of the pillars and signs of overlay

Malibu Anomaly - From this angle the pillars look more like slabs but could simply be GE distortion

Malibu Anomaly - A few key points to look at The symmetrical vents and the area to the left look artificial
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