1952 Report PURPOSES: For the last several years, accumulating evidence along both theoretical and experimental lines has tended to confirm the suspicion that a fundamental interlocking relationship exists between the electrodynamic field and the gravitational field. It is the purpose of Project WINTERHAVEN to compile and study this evidence and to perform certain critical or definitive experiments which will serve to confirm or deny the relationship. If the results confirm the evidence, it is the further purpose of Project WINTERHAVEN to examine the physical nature of the basic "electro-gravitic couple" and to foresee and develop possible long-range practical applications. The proposed experiments are to be limited at first
to force measurements and wave propagation.
They are to
ORGANIZATION: It is proposed that the organization of Project WINTERHAVEN
be formed by four commercial corporations
It is proposed that a prime contractor be elected,
a company not necessarily a participant in the actual research
You will notice in the above chart that the DoD elected to fill the role of "Prime Contractor". Lear Corp, owned and operated by William Lear (father of John Lear) is listed as one of the four Companies contracted that are already working on those interests. | |
In further confirmation of the existing hypothesis,
experimental demonstrations actually completed in
July 1950,
Discovery of what may turn out
to be the long-sought "electro-gravitic couple" should lead to the development
It is believed by the sponsors
of Project WINTERHAVEN that the technical development of the electrogravitic
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