Henry VIII and his Navy

In Tudor times all warships belonged to the King or Queen, so they came to be called the Royal Navy.
When Henry VIII became king in 1509, he carried on the work of his father, Henry VII, who had begun to build up the navy.

Why was a navy so important to England?

For a lot of Henry VIII's reign, England was at war with France. Henry needed good ships to take his armies to France to attack the French coastline and shipping. Strong warships could also defend England if an enemy attacked. This was very important because England is part of an island. Henry also needed to protect the trading ships carrying cargo to and from England. In addition to all these reasons, Henry VIII simply loved ships. He loved to go and watch ships being built, and sometimes held banquets on board.

How did England manage to fight sea battles before the Tudor Kings and Queens began building special fighting ships?

If there was going to be any fighting at sea, other kings had to borrow ships that were usually used for something else, such as carrying cargo. These are called merchant ships. Henry VIII's father, Henry VII, began a programme of building warships for a navy, and by the time he died, and Henry VIII became king, there were 5 royal warships. Two of them were new four-masted carracks that were much larger than the usual English merchant ship. By the time that Henry VIII died, in 1547, the navy had been built up to about 40 ships. Even with this number the navy still needed to borrow some extra merchant ships to help in battles.

Where were the ships built?

The River Thames was far more important for transport in Tudor times, so it was a good place to put new dockyards for building ships. The South of England was also a good place to get the materials for building. All ships were built of wood, which meant that very many trees were needed, and there were still quite large forests in parts of Kent and Sussex. Henry VIII started new ship building yards and Deptford and Woolwich.

1547, Deptford was the most important yard in the country. Both the new yards were very close to Greenwich, where there was a royal palace of which Henry was very fond. He and his daughter Elizabeth were born there, and Henry was married there twice. It was very easy for him to go from Greenwich to visit the new dockyards. As well as space for building the ships, great storehouses also had to be built, because the new ships needed lots of supplies. Henry also set up better systems for organizing the supplies, and running the navy.

How did ships change during the time that Henry VIII was king?

Warships now carried much heavier cannon on board, about 20 heavy, and 60 light ones. The great cannon could now fire a 'broadside', which meant all guns along one side of the ship firing at once. Watertight 'gunports' with hinges were also invented. These gunports were flaps that covered holes in the side of the ship. The flaps would be opened in a battle so that the cannon could poke out while they were being fired.

Why were gunports important?

The invention of gunports meant that guns could be carried much lower down in the ship, so that it was much more stable, and less likely to tip over. The first ship to carry the new guns and fight in this way was the Mary Rose. The Mary Rose was built in Portsmouth for Henry VIII between 1509 and 1511, and rebuilt in 1536. She was Henry's favourite ship and he named her after his sister, Mary. He was also very proud of the ship called Henry Grace a Dieu, which was known as the Great Harry.

How big a crew was needed on the new ships?

In the 1540s, a warship had a crew that included about 200 sailors, 185 soldiers, and 30 gunners. Ordinary sailors helped the gunners with the cannon.

What food did the crew eat?

Most of the crew had very plain food to eat. They lived mainly on ships' biscuit (about half a kilogram a day) and dried salted meat, usually pork or beef. Each sailor was also given 10 pints (5.7 litres) of beer every day.

What went on during a battle at sea?

As well as using the cannon to fire stone and iron balls at the enemy, Henry's ships would have also carried many archers. The ship sailed as close as possible to the enemy, and then the archers tried to shoot arrows at the crew of the opposing ship. The English archers could fire 10 arrows in a minute. They used longbows while the French archers used crossbows. Even with the new cannon, they still tried to end a battle by boarding the enemy's ship. 'Prize money' was given to the sailors if they managed to capture an enemy ship, so when they fired their cannon, they were hoping to hit the masts and rigging, not trying to sink the ship. Giving prize money was also meant to help the captain to get the crew to obey him in a battle.

What happened to the Mary Rose?

On 19th July 1545, while Henry VIII watched, the Mary Rose sank very quickly, in the piece of water between Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight called the Solent. The Mary Rose was part of an English fleet trying to stop the French ships landing on the Isle of Wight, but sank before firing a single shot. Around 700 of her crew, including the captain, Sir George Carew, were drowned, and only about 30 men were rescued.

Why did the Mary Rose sink?

No one is sure exactly why the Mary Rose capsized. We know that she was very overloaded, carrying 700 rather than the 400 crew she was built to carry. Once the ship began to tip to one side, after turning sharply, sea water poured in the gunports. Perhaps the crew were not obeying orders, for just before the ship went down the captain shouted that he had the sort of knaves he could not rule.

How do we know so much about the Mary Rose?

People living at the time wrote about the Mary Rose, and drew pictures of her, so we know what she looked like. Almost as soon as she sank, people tried to lift her, but they could only manage to raise the masts. She lay on the seabed for over 400 years. Then, in 1967, archaeologists diving in the area where she sank discovered the wreck. In 1982 she was lifted up from the bottom of the sea.

Lots of things on the ship had been preserved by the mud they were lying in. After more than 400 years at the bottom of the sea, now we can look at them. Most of the things from the Mary Rose are now in a special museum at Portsmouth.

This Article © Mary Rose Trust and is used here by permission of Stuart Vine


The Burning of the Regent
Thomas Wolsey
Farnham, 26 August 1512

Our folks, on Tuesday was fortnight, met with 21 great ships of France, the best both sail and furnished with artillery and men that ever was seen. And after innumerable shooting of guns and long chasing one another, at the last the Regent most valiantly boarded the great carrack of Brest wherein were four lords, 300 gentlemen, 800 soldiers and mariners, 400 crossbow men, 100 gunners, 200 tuns of wine, 100 pipes of beef, 60 barrels of gunpowder and 15 great brazen curtalls with so marvellous number of shot and other guns of every sort. Our men so valiantly acquit themselves that within one hour fight they had utterly vanquished with shot of guns and arrows the said carrack, and slain most part of the men within the same. And suddenly as they were yielding themselves, the carrack was on a flaming fire, and likewise the Regent within the turning of one hand. She was so anchored and fasted to the carrack that by no means possible she might for her safeguard depart from the same and so both in fight within three hours were burnt, and most part of the men in them.

The residue of the French fleet, after long chasing, was by our folks put to fight and driven off into Brest haven. There were six as great ships of the said fleet as the Regent or Sovereign, howbeit as cowards they fled.

Source;  A. Spont. War with France, 1512-13. (London: 1894), p. 49.

The Girls of Tahiti
Related Trivia - Sex and the Tahitian Girl

Since the days of Wallis and Bougainville, Tahitian women have had a reputation for a willingness to share their amorous favours with foreigners. This seem to come from the fact that after some early encounter with muskets and cannons, the Polynesian got smart and quickly figured that to appease the foreigners, nothing worked better than providing accommodating women, which to them was not a big deal.

The European explorers did have a good time as Tahitian women actually relished lovemaking and they came back with tales of exotic and willing women. Well, for better or worse, this is largely a thing of the past. As a short-term visitor, your liaisons with Tahitians are likely to remain just friendly. Westerners’ obsession with the sexuality of Polynesians usually reflects their own frustrations or misplaced fantasies.

There are many gorgeous Tahitian girls, and they are proud , smart and sophisticated and are not too impressed by men who see themselves as God's gift to women. As for the self-righteous who hold the view that Tahitian morality is loose, this is rather ironic considering that Polynesians have always shared whatever they have, cared for their old and young, and refrained from ostracizing unwed mothers or attaching stigma to their offspring.

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