Guild Related Topics
On Site Material  Related to Guild History and Interests
Tudor History
History of the Tudors with Photos
Portraits of Tudor Era persons for Costume Study 
The Relationship of the Tudors to the Guild's creative History
Also visit this great site: "Tudor England"
Elizabethan History
Life in Elizabethan England: A Compendium of Common Knowledge
Isle College of Heraldry
Our Guild Heradlic Study Section
Frasers of Lovat ~ Melinda Fraser
Caldey Island, Wales
The Abbey of Caldey Island and the History of the Isle
The Abbey of Caldey Island's Home page
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
King Arthur and his Knights Heraldry
King Arthur's legendary Camelot castle location 'discovered'
King Arthur in Paintings and Sketches
Le Morte Darthur by Syr Thomas Malory; original edition of William Caxton in Middle English text
Le Morte Darthur by Sir Thomas Malory; modrnized text Epub from Gutenberg
Major Literary Lineage of the Arthurian Legend (an introduction) - Rosicrucian
Enchanted Islands
Other Clubs & Organizations Go Here
Reference Department Books, Music, Etc. Available
Fantasy Topics of Interest
Planet Gor - Home of True Warriors
Robin of Sherwood - Based on the BBC Television Series
Samantha's Domain ~ Isle of Standauffish Member Page
Topics of Interest
On Site Material on Various Subjects of Interest to Members
15th Century World History
General Facts circa 1500
Christopher Columbus
Reformation Europe ~ Fordham University
English History
Gallery of English Monarchs
The Most Noble Order of the Blue Garter
     The Insignia of the Order
The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jeruselem
Welsh History
Rhys ap Thomas

Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmon
Captain Morgan stayed on Caldey Island for awhile
Origin of the Welsh Red Dragon

The Men of Harlech
The Vikings and their influence in Wales and Caldey Island
Scottish History
The Most Noble Order of the Thistle
Castles, Churches, Etc.
Sompting Church, West Sussex, England
Bodiam Castle, East Sussex, England
Castles, Abbeys, Medieval Buildings by Micheal W.. Cook, Uk ~ Local page
Castles of Wales Welsh Castles and History by Jeffrey L. Thomas, Uk
Dragons, Faeries, Elves & Others ~ Isle Fantasy Guilds
Mystic Lands - Isle Fantasy Guild Homepage
Dragon Book
Faerie Book
Elven Book
Medieval Ships
The Mary Rose, Henry VIII's favorite ship
Gallery of Medieval Ships  * Coming Soon *
The Era of the Spanish Galleons
Other Ship related facts
The Arts
An Anachronists Encyclopaedia
A practical guide for Re-enactors with "How to" instructions on the reproduction of furniture, tents and objects from the Middle Ages for today's Re-creationists - Newsletter, photos, etc. NO LINK FOUND
Garb {Costuming}
River Haven SCA - Beginner's Garb - Lochac
Costuming - SCA Newcomer's Portal
Newbie Garb That Doesn't Look Newbie | Trystan's Costume Closet
An Introduction to SCA Clothing Making a basic - the Hooded Hare
SCA: Best way to make garb on the cheap - Reddit
Tent Making
Medieval Pavilion Resources - Tent making info, an SCA member
Music Related
Learning Middle Eastern Percussion
Yasmina's Joy of Belly Dancing - Middle Eastern Rhythms, Drum & Instruments
A Practical Introduction to Middle Eastern Drumming
Poems and other Writings
Bokes of Poetry by Sir Brand - The Poetry and other writings of Sir Brand, SCA  
Sir Clisto Seversword's Tome of  Adventure & Knowledge
Cooking, Brewing & Recipes
Medieval & Renaissance Food Home page
Caligraphy, Fonts and related items
Medieval  and Celtic Fonts in the public domain
Links of Interest to the Guild
Our Favorite Links
The Vatican Libraries
Scanned documents and manuscripts from the Vatican Library
Source One - Vatican Links Through McGill University
Source Two - Library of Congress Vatican Exhibit
Source Three - The Vatican Home Page
The Catholic Encyclopaedia
The New Advent Home Page
St. Anne's College for Gaelic Studies
Gaelic College  for studies of GAELIC online
Westminster Abbey
A Welcome to Westminster Abbey from The Dean of Westminster, The Very Reverend Dr John Hall
Buckingham Palace
The Home of the Royal Family
The Knights Templar
The Grand Priory of Knights Templar in the United Kingdom
The District Grand Priory of New South Wales
Monmouth and South Wales Knights Templar
The Great Priory of Scotland
The Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem - USA Chapters
The Knights of Saint John
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta in Rome

Order of Malta - American Association

Order of Malta - Seat in Rome - Magistral Palace

The principal library of the Order of Malta

The Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knight's Hospitaler
The Order of St.John - Modern Charity based in the United Nations
The Order of St.John - Modern International Group
Der Johanniterorden  St John's Germany
Russian Grand Priory
Branwen's Pagan Directory
Web Resources for the Pagan Community - Note: Site is down, link is to Wayback Archives
The Poetry of Sir Brand deux Leons; SCA
Collection of poems, etc. by Sir Master Brand deux Leons Knight, Bard, Poet & Scholar.
The Tome of Sir Clisto Seversword
Knight of the Holy Blade of York
The Society for Creative Anachronism
Main Home Page
SCA Kingdom of Caid
Shire of Heatherwyne - May be inactive now
Barony of Starkhafn
SCA Kingdom of Atenweldt
SCA Kingdom of Artemesia
SCA Kingdom of the West
SCA Kingdom of the Outlands
The Rogue's Cove Maritime Society
The Saint Andrews Society
The Adrian Empire Home
The Adrian Empire Facebook Page- Bullhead City, Arizona Chapter
ArchDuchy of Albion Rayonne
Kingdom  of Aragon -  No Current Active Link Found
The Empire of Chivalry and Steel
Kingdom of Galandor
Kingdom of Vega 

Webpage  © 1995-2017 Isle of Standauffish
Fleur-di-Lis Gold Bar © Dana's Designs