Isle of Standauffish Member Roster

The Port of Shalott - The Capitol

Current Members

Baron Sir Zorgon of Shalott
     Viceroy of the Isle of Standauffish

Persona History   Photo Page

mka;   Ron Schmidt
           President  Drathmar Corporation

Baroness Acadia of Ballater
     Seamstress and Sewing Arts

Persona History   Photo Page

mka;   Melinda Schmidt

Connor MacLachlan

Persona History   Photo Page

mka;   Ronald C. Fraser {Frog}

Elora Ballater

Persona History   Photo Page

mka;   Raquel K. Schmidt

Nimble the Fool 
     Professional Jester

Persona History   Photo Page

mka;   Boe Powell
               Biography on File

Lady Aylimn Llywelyn

Persona History   Photo Page

mka;   Minnie Anderson

Jean de la Fontaine 

Persona History   Photo Page   Halloween

mka;   John Fountain

Alias: Sgt Rock&Roll

Past Members

Thomas The Elder
     Fencing Master

Persona History   Photo Page

mka;   Tom Newton
                Welder, Union Stagehand

Lady Kate
     Renaissance Garb Merchant

Persona History   Photo Page

mka;   Kate Douglas


Present, Past and Pending No Profiles Yet
Port of Shalott Davenport, Rachel Destiny Rose Past
Port of Shalott  Douglas, Bob Pending Pending
Port of Shalott  Hanson, Shawn Gustav Von Achen Current
Port of Shalott  Miller, Harry Chancellor Alderon Dragonsbane Past
Port of Shalott  Reed, Jamie Pending Pending
Port of Shalott  Rivadeneyra, Andie Pending Current
Port of Shalott  Rivadeneyra, Nick Pending Current
Port of Shalott  Shippe, Jason Pending Pending
Port of Shalott  Yelvington, Carlos Carlos du Toiraq Past

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