Will Ye No' Come Back Again?

Midi Sequence © by the Barry Taylor

                            Bonnie Charlie's noo awa
                            Safely o'er the friendly main
                            Mony a heart will break in twa
                            Should he ne'er come back again.

                            Will ye no' come back again?
                            Will ye no' come back again?
                            Better lo'ed ye canna be
                            Will ye no' come back again?

                            Ye trusted in your Hielan' men
                            They trusted you, dear Charlie
                            They kent your hiding in the glen
                            Death or exile braving.

                            English bribes were a' in vain
                            Tho' puir, and puirer, we maurn be
                            Siller canna buy the heat
                            That beats aye for thine and thee.

                            We watch'd thee in the gloamin' hour
                            We watch'd thee in the mornin' grey
                            Tho' thirty thousand pound they gie
                            Oh, there is nane that wad betray!


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