Anne of Cleves Gallery

The signature of Anne of Cleves

The Badge of Anne of Cleves
Weidenfeld and Nicolson Archive

A Miniature of Anne of Cleves
Painted by a follower of Holbein (or perhaps Holbein himself)
Victoria and Albert Museum

The painting of Anne by Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543)
It was on the basis of this portrait that Henry VIII chose her to be his fourth Queen.
Watercolor on parchment mounted on canvas. 65x48 cm. Paris, Musee du Louvre

Another portrait of Anne of Cleves.
Fom the workshop of Barthel Bruyn the Elder in Cologne
Now at St. John's College Oxford
Recent x-rays have revealed a longer nose under the top layer of paint.

Engraving of Anne of Cleves from the 18th century
J. Houbraken after Holbein, 35.8 x 22.5 cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

The wax figure of Anne of Cleves at Madame Tussaud's, London
Photograph by Lara E. Eakins

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