Edward VI Gallery

Edward, Price of Wales by Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543) painted in 1537
Oil on wood 57x44 cm, Washington, National Gallery of Art, Andrew W. Mellon Collection

Edward with a monkey, by Hans Holbein c. 1541-42
Pen, ink and watercolor, 40.1x30.9cm, Basle, Offentliche Kunstammlung
The fading of the sketch was due to the fact that it had been hung as a
painting and was exposed to sunlight.

An allegorical painting of the passing of the
throne from Henry VIII to Edward VI
Painted by an unknown artist 1548-49
National Portrait Gallery, London

Edward VI c. 1546 by an unknown artist
National Portrit Gallery, London

Edward VI by an unknown artist
Oil on panel, 155.6 x 81.3 cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

Edward VI
National Portrait Gallery, London

Cameo of Henry VIII and Prince Edward

A Bust of Edward VI

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