Mary Tudor Gallery

Mary Tudor's signature

A miniature of the young Princess Mary
about age 9; attributed to Lucas Horenbout.
Mary's brooch says "The Emperor"
In a private collection

A sketch of the Princess Mary, by Holbein c. 1536
Windsor Castle, Royal Library © Her Majesty the Queen

Mary from the "Whitehall Portrait" of the family of Henry VIII
now at Hampton Court Palace, by an unknown artist
The Royal Collection © Her Majesty the Queen

Princess Mary, aged 28 (1544) by Master John
Oil on Panel, 71.1 x 50.8 cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

Queen Mary in 1554 by Hans Eworth
Oil on Panel, 21.6 x 16.9 cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

A marble bust of Queen Mary

Queen Mary
Society of Antiquaries

Mary and her husband Philip of Spain
Oil on canvas English School, 17th century
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

A medallion from Mary's reign
at the British Museum
Photograph by Lara E. Eakins

Mary in 1554
by Mor
© The Prado, Madrid

The head of Mary's funeral effigy
now at Westminster Abbey
© Dean and Chapter of Westminster

The tomb of Mary and Elizabeth
at Westminster Abbey.
The Latin translates: "Partners both in throne
and grave, here rest we two sisters, Elizabeth and Mary,
in the hope of one resurrection."
© Dean and Chapter of Westminster

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