Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots

Mary Queen of Scots by an unknown artist, c. 1620
Royal Collection, Windsor © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The beautiful tomb of Mary Queen of Scots in Westminster Abbey
She had originally been buried at Peterborough Cathedral after her execution,
but was re-interred at Westminster by her son, King James VI/I
Photo © Pitkin Guides
Click on the thumbnail to load a larger version of the portrait to your screen.

Mary at about the time of her marriage to the French heir
Painted by an unknown artist
Royal Collection © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

A sketch of Mary, possibly the basis for the above portrait

Mary by a follower of Clouet
Probably based on the portrait at the top of this page
National Trust

Mary in mourning for Francis II
Painted by an known artist
Royal Collection © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Mary in 1578
After Nicolas Hilliard (possibly a 17th century copy)
National Portrait Gallery, London

Mary c.1578 by Nicholas Hilliard
Mount added in the late 17th century
Victoria and Albert Museum

Mary and her son James VI/I
Dated 1583

Mary's rosary

The casket that contained letters that implicated Mary in
Darnley's murder.

A woodcut of Mary's execution by a Dutch artist
Scottish National Portrait Gallery

Wax figure of Mary at Madame Tussaud's in London
Photograph by Lara E. Eakins

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