Part 2
Antigravity and Man Made Saucers

Posted by brotherthebig, on April 3, 2007 at 23:32 GMT
ATS Thread: Antigravity or Coanda Effect man made saucers or aircrafts? (1)

[post #2/5]

Antigravity is a difficult and controversial subject:

Info Sources:

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Very important in my search, was finding the old thread Huge archive of e-books – Military from JAK, with a link for a site plenty of e-books, and appears that they have added more e-books over the years.

So in Venik's Aviation e-book library we can find many free e-books in different fields (I think of interest to many ATS members), and some on antigravity, also related to saucer projects.

Electrogravitics Systems is a book from 2005 that also includes aviation reports extracts from 1954 and after, and an analysis about the assumption that this could be used in the B2 bomber propulsion systems. 

One book that is almost always referred in any (more recent) antigravity discussion is The Hunt for zero Point from Nick Cook (Note: see also a refutation on some parts of this book) . I  haven't had time to read it yet, and the others books are significant as well, but I am glad to share and maybe they will be helpful to someone. The Bell is described here and associated with antigravity.

A very good reference is American Antigravity  site, and this collection of articles in a PDF from Venik's antigravity page.

Hitler’s Flying Saucers online book, has ample information and photos. Do not forget the video “stranger than fiction the real flying saucers”, referenced in #1.

Antigravity E-Books:

Antigravity Websites: Here is a collection of videos related to antigravity and energy systems Articles from Popular Mechanics: Other Links Do you think that we have already an antigravity plane or saucer?

More ATS threads on antigravity:

Thank you.


Pegasus Additions:
Gravity, Anti-Gravity and Gravity Sheilding Articles: PDF Format: (2) LANL PDF Format: (2) Videos: Products:

Accoustic Levitation Articles:

Accoustic Levitation Videos: "This is an acoustic levitation chamber I designed and built in 1987 as a micro-gravity experiment for NASA related subject matter. The 12 inch cubed plexiglas Helmholtz Resonant Cavity has 3 speakers attached to the cube by aluminium acoust This is an acoustic levitation chamber I designed and built in 1987 as a micro-gravity experiment for NASA related subject matter. The 12 inch cubed plexiglas Helmholtz Resonant Cavity has 3 speakers attached to the cube by aluminium acoustic waveguides. By applying a continuous resonant(600Hertz) sound wave, and by adjusting the amplitude and phase relationship amongst the 3 speakers; I was able to control levitation and movement in all 3 (x,y,z) axis of the ambient space. This research was used to show the effects of micro-gravity conditions that exist in the space shuttle environment in orbit, but done here on Earth in a lab." - Dr Deak

Levitated Dipole Fushion Confinement;

MIT has some interesting work on Levitated Dipole Fushion Reactors... funny thing is they are designed to run on Helium 3... Now where do you suppose they would get THAT from? 

The MIT Levitated Dipole...

The full article and links to the project can be found here;
MIT Dipole Fusion Confinement

The Searl Generator:

Close up view of a single tier Searl Generator. The outer magnetic tubes spin and revlove around the center core. The first one that John made generated a pinkish glow, then shot up through the roof of his shop and kept going. He was originally trying to make a generator for power, but the results of the design caught him off gaurd.

Saucer Model using the Searl Generator

The full article and links to the project can be found here;
John Searl and the Searl Generator

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