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Phase: Pre-Alpha

Interface: Space

What is Interface: Space?

Interface: Space is the first installment of the Interface © game series, a massively multiplayer roleplaying game, set in the distant past of our solar system and beyond. Game development is currently in pre-alpha phase. The target release date is September 2014.

Play with or without violent encounters
Choose a faction and race
Embark on quests
Become a Time Master
Engage in player vs. player and player vs. environment
Pilot ships and vehicles
Learn skills and trades
Become a merchant and sell your wares in your own showroom
Build houses and cities, on exotic game worlds
And much, much more!

What are the Interface: Space Races?

There are eight playable races. Each race is designated a home world planet or moon, and has its own unique lore, talents, building models, foods, vehicles, weapons and armor types. Four races are from the Inner Worlds faction and four are from the Outer Worlds faction.**

**Uranus and Pluto are currently not part of the game, either as home worlds or questing planets.

The races are as follows:

Mercurians - Masters of Disguise

The Mercurians are tall, slender and lithe, with deep red skin tones and stark white "hair," composed of feathers. Their eyes glow a brilliant, pure white, as a result of their proximity to the sun. They excel at subletly skills, such as stealth, camoflage and disguise and are talented with liquid metals. They specialize in the creation of potions which accelerate damage output in melee and assist in their use of disguises. They would be classified as a shape-shiting, rogue-type class.

Venusians - Masters of Crystals

Venusians are shorter than Mercurians (although still quite tall). They are extremely interested in health and healthy environments and are well studied in healing techniques. As a result, Venusians are classified as the healer-type of the Inner Worlds faction. They have golden blonde to platinum blonde hair, typically shoulder length or longer, blue eyes and pale skin. They excel at the use of crystals of various kinds, which they fashion into everything from food stuffs to ornamentation, natural medicines and jewelry.

Moonians - Masters of Dimension

Moonians are frail, with slender limbs and long, spindly fingers. They have large heads and eyes, no body hair and smooth greyish skin tones. They create beautiful sculptures and protective domes from high-impact moon glass, extracted from the dusty soil of the Moon. They also excel at the manipulation of dimensional space, by which they create armored doppleganger pets. The pets share a dimensional bond with them, allowing the Moonian to enter a phase shift during battle. As a result, Moonians are the hunter-type class of the Inner Worlds faction.

Martians - Masters of Metal and Stone

Martians are average height and weight, but are trained athletes. They have coppery brown to olive colored skin, with dark eyes and decorative, wooly hair in dark shades. They excel at the manipulation of metals and stone, particularly in armor crafting, weapon crafting, ship construction and architecture. Because of their love for jewelry and decoration, they maintain a healthy trade with the Venusians, who in return receive architectural materials, ships and weapons. Their interest in fitness and skill with armor creation and weapon usage, makes them the warrior-type class for the Inner Worlds faction.

Earthians - Masters of Illusion

Earthians are extremely tall reptilians, with tough, scaley hide. They are skilled at wood working and gardening. They have somewhat slender bodies with heavily slanted eyes of various colors. Instead of hair, they grow manes composed of strands of shedded scales. They excel at the art of illusion and camoflage. As a result, Earthians are the rogue-type class of the Outer Worlds faction.

Jupiterians - Masters of Air

Jupiterians are extremely short, energetic and lithe. They have tough, natural armor. They have olive toned skin with red streaks that lend them the appearance of tigers. Their eyes contain no pupils and glow with soft yellow light. They tend to have long, raven black hair, which is frequently decorative. They are skilled in the use of fuels and explosives, and are very talented with melee weapons. As a result, Jupiterians are a warrior-type class, of the Outer Worlds faction.

Saturnians - Masters of the Atom

Saturnians are short and very thin. They have very little muscle mass. Their skin is almost pitch black, and marked by neon colored symbols and tiny white dots, which designate their gender and station. Neon rings hover around their heads, which connect them to a huge database of scientific information. They are skilled in science, particularly anything to do with the atom and robotics. As a result, the weaponry of a Saturnian tends to be robotic and radioactive. They craft huge ships, which are actually gigantic robots. They could be classified as similar to a damage per second (dps) class. They are reminiscent of hunters, as they employ robotic pets during melee encounters and use ranged weaponry.

Neptunians - Masters of Water

Neptunians are average height and build. They are fairly athletic and interested in health, both physical and mental. They are generally playful and happy. This has lead to their position as the healer-type class of the Outer Worlds faction. Their skin is accented with iridescent scales, but they are otherwise smooth skinned in shades of blue and aqua. Their hair is actually an extra sheath of skin, peppered by little round nodes that resemble pearls. Their water mastery has manifested in their odd interest in electricity which they have learned to use in healing techniques, as well as for use in associated medical gadgetry.

What about Magic?

Characters in Interface: Space use Imagines which are abilities similar in concept to magic. Every race, except Saturnians***, have "Imagine" ability, although healer-types have the most "Imagine" energy, followed by shape-shifting rogue-types, and finally, warrior-types, who use small amounts of Imagine energy to maintain area of effect taunts, damage shields and skin buffs.

Races of the Inner Worlds faction, have larger energy pools for Imagine usage than the Outer Worlds races. Outer World races rely more heavily on artificial energies, and as a result, have smaller Imagine energy pools.

***Saturnians lack of expendable Imagine energy, is replaced by expendable atomic energy.

How much does it cost to play?

The game itself is free, however, it requires a monthly subscription fee. The cost of operating the game is otherwise subsidized by sales in the Interface Game Store, which contains various unique items, from architectural decorations to unique ships, etc. These store items, however, are vanity items and have no effect on player ability.