Catherine of Aragon Gallery

Catherine of Aragon's signature

The Badge of Catherine of Aragon.
Weidenfeld and Nicolson Archive

Young Catherine by Michel Sittow
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

The coronation of Catherine and Henry VIII
Cambridge University Library

A stained glass portrait of Catherine
The Chapel at The Vyne

Catherine watching Henry VIII joust
College of Arms

Catherine in about 1530
Painted by an unknown artist
Oil on panel, 55.9 x 44.5cm
National Portrait Gallery, London

A Miniature of Catherine
attributed to Lucas Horenbout
National Portrait Gallery, London

Wax figure of Catherine of Aragon from Madame Tussaud's in London
Photograph by Lara E. Eakins

Catherine of Aragon's gravesite at Peterborough Cathedral
A new tablet in her memory was place here in 1986, inscribed
"A Queen cherished by the English people for her loyalty, piety
courage and compassion."
Photograph © A.F. Kersting, London

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